💋burnt noodles💋

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you run downstairs and the kitchen was indeed on fire.

"Bitch what did you do?!" you ask/yell at oikawa. "I just wanted to make rice with egg on top!" You sigh and try putting out the flames.

Iwazumi rushes in and helps you. Oikawa panics and you sigh as the fire dies. You cringe your nose as the smell of burnt noodles (🥵)
fills the air.

You look in the pot to see that there was no water in it. "Kawa did you even put water?" you ask. He runs the back of his neck "I thought i did i was busy checking my notifications.." You sigh and iwazumi punches oikawa.

After cleaning up your sitting on your bed when Iwazumi walks in. "Oh, i thought you'd go home with Kawa" you state. He sighs and sits on the bed. "Yea i was gonna but i wanted to talk abo- Hey wait your burnt!" He looks at the burn on your thigh.

"Oh yea from the fire, it's not that bad" you shrug. He sighs and gets some medicine from wattpad magic and applies the cream to the burn. He then kisses next to it. That gave you butterflies.

"You shouldn't run into dangerous situations princess" He states as he rests his head between your thighs on your lower stomach.

He's looking up at you and you run your fingers through his hair. "Yea but i'm always in these situations. Remember when i tried fighting you?" he chuckled a bit and that sent vibrations through your body.

"So about earlier, um before the fire..i wanted to ask if we could maybe i dunno..date?" You look at his eyes which look like their pleading. "Um..yea sure" You state smiling. He smiled and held up his hand.

"What?" you ask. He then states "i want to measure your hand size, it's so small" you sigh and place your hand with his.

He intertwined his fingers with yours. "Wow so smooth" you mock. He rolls his eyes, "You try then"

"Are you made up of Nickle, Cerium, Arsenic, and sulfur?" you ask. He shakes his head.

"Because you've got a NiCe AsS" you state. (i'm soo sorry)

He looks at you with a raised brow and you sigh. "Sorry, it was some joke Kuroo said to Kenma" he nods and you check the gc.

Sejoh gc:

then he asked me if i was an
alien. I told him yes and
he left me 😪

um okay



Hey y/n how's it hanging?😼

hey Kyo baby 😩

baby i'm not even here

i'm a hallucination

oh yea Oikawa is a dumbass

we established that multiple

no but he burnt my kitchen

the worst part is
Y/n got hurt

why do u care?😩

who said i cared?😩

Fan behavior 🦧

Maybe bc i'm ur biggest fan

🙄dont start

i'll follow u until u love me

paparazzi 😼💃💃

anyways stream lady gaga

Thank u next


so i heard Iwachan finally cuffed
Y/n 👀

since when? i'm a single lady

and i'm a depressed bitch

babe cmon i was joking 🙄

u spelled choking wrong

ChOkE mE likE yOu hATe mE

but u love me

lOwKey wAnNa daTe mE

when u fuck me😈

i'd pay to see these two duck

ayo chill

yea there are children here

why do i feel targeted?



i told this girl i had feelings for her and she said she had a bf so i told her ok and she said "maybe in the future" I was like 🧍🏼‍♀️.....am i a rebound?

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