Chapter 12.

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It's been a few weeks since Gerard kissed me. I had been going to this horrid bull shit of a school since 2 weeks ago. It's horrible. But I haven't told Dad about it. I still haven't called him dad either. I think I'm upsetting him. I don't try to. I don't want to. At all. Sorry I sound so depressing all the time. I'm just not the best type of a happy person. I haven't smiled since that night. When Gee kissed. Me. Me out of all the people. Me.

So let my start back to when it was my first day here at this shit hole.

--- First Day ---
I woke up. First day at this fucking shit hole. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuccckkkkkk.
I couldn't think straight.
Gee, mikey, Ray and Frank we're going to be there.
"I can't wait till I get there" I said sarcastically to myself. Yup. Talking to myself again. As usual.

I went into my closet and picked out my favorite Mistifs shirt, dark skinnies and my red converse. It was really cold outside and it was supposed to snow. But we still HAD to go to school. So I grabbed my hoodie, and walked out my room. I went downstairs only to be greeted by my two siblings screaming, "Ashys awake!" Ashy? AHSY?! WHAT?! You know what I don't give a fuck about that. I'll let them call me whatever they want.

"Hey kiddo!" Mike says to me. "Hey." I reply. "ready for school?" "Nope." I say popping the 'p.' "Well to bad you have to go." Mike said. Ughhhh. Well at least I can try to meet new people? Nah. They won't like me anyways. Well, I have Gee, Mikey, Ray and Frank. Hopefully they won't ignore me because their too cool at this place.
--- at school ---
Mike drove me to school, and when we arrived, holy shit it was huge. Like fucking massive.

"Well alright," Mike said. "have a good day I guess? Oh yeah you'll have to walk home sorry. I have practice with the others. I'm sure Gerard will walk with you?" He tells me. Well shit. Walking home by myself on the first day of school? "Oh. okay." I reply, "bye." "Bye." then he drives off.

I look at my surroundings. You could easily tell which people belonged in which group. Populars, Jocks, Nerds, Wannabes, And then theres me. The freaky new girl.

'Don't label yourself.' I hear a voice in my head. CODY?! WHAT?! I thought he left for good!! 'Cody?!' I ask. 'yes it's me.' he replies 'where the hell have you been?' I ask. 'no where in particular' he says back. 'Uh-huh. Well Uh I gotta go get this school shit done so cya I guess?' I say hurriedly. 'okay. sure cya.' He says back.

I walk through the crowd getting shoved multiple times. And getting called a 'bitch' or a 'freak.' Just how I thought it'd be.

It took me a long time to find the office, considering no one wanted to help me out. Oh fucking well.

I walk into the office and the lady at the desk glares at me. 'what the fuck is her problem?' I say to myself. "hi. u-um in new here..." I say. "name?" She asks. "Ash-Ashton. Ashton Pritchard." I say. "k. here." she said shoving papers in front of me. Time-table, locker number, and locker combination.

I walk out the office, and then I get fucking ran over. Hurt like a bitch too.

"Oh sorry!" I hear an almost to recognizable voice say. "no, no. it was me I didn't see you." I say quickly. "no really it was-" he says, looking up at me. It was Ray! "R-Ray?!" I ask happily. "Ash?! What are you? How did you?" He says almost as happy as I am. "I could ask the same! Oh my gosh you haven't changed since I last saw you!" I tell him. "neither have you!" He replies. "HEY! You stupid emo losers! Fuck off and get out of my hallway!" A high pitched blonde bitch says to us. "oh fuck no." I mumble about to punch that bitch. "whoa! Ash, calm down!" Ray says standing In front of me, blocking my view of her. "Oh! You wanna fight bitch?!" The girl yells. "Who you calling a bitch, bitch?!" I yell back. " oh no you fucking didn't" she says. then she swings at me. Having awesome reflexes I dunk. "stupid blonde" I tell her while kicking her in the guts. "Cmon ash! We gotta go! Hurry!" Ray says to me. We run out of the hallway and take a few turns until we end up at the vending machines. "Whoa! Nice kick and reflexes you got there dude!" Ray exclaimed. "ha, I guess." I say. "we better get to class shouldn't we?" He asks. "yeah." I say back. "yeah... wait. what class do you have first?" Ray asks. "Art. what about you?" I tell him. "same! Gee, Frank and mikey have the same class as us. so we can sit with them." he tells me. Awesome. This day has already started off well.
---after school---
I was walking home alone. Gerard couldn't because he had tutoring. I would hate to be him.

I was halfway to my house when *SMACK* I get hit by someone, or something. I then blacked out.

Hey! Wow! Amazing cliffhanger right? Haha, anyways, thank you sooooo much for over 200 reads! I'm really happy! Also a huge thanks to Joey_is_awesome182 ! So basically this chapter is dedicated to you! Hope you all liked it! Don't forget to vote, comment and stuff like that. stay rad! ~a

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