• party in the U.S.A. •

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After being sent home by old Joe, Grace spent her whole time trying to pick out an outfit to wear for the party, but nothing seemed to be right. She thought of asking for help, after all her friends where only a phone call away, but she wanted to try and do this own her own.
Her room was not a mess, because she is not that messy when picking out clothes, but it was not exactly not messy either. Confusing I know, but I swear that's the best way to describe the scene.
How long has been since she arrived home from work? One. Hour. And. A. Half. One freaking hour and thirty minutes, and she was not even close to a final decision, she still has to pick out shoes, accessories, her makeup and hair style. Great, there comes more thirty minutes of doing nothing and just starring at her bed full of clothes and random things.

Grace pov. On:

This long dress? No, too formal.
What about some jeans and a pink t-shirt? No, too simple.
Short dress? I don't think I even have a short dress.
A skirt and sweet cropped? For goodness sake Grace, you're going to a party and not to a picnic.
Shorts are not a option, not good for the kind of party I'm thinking that one is.
For the shoes I'm wearing a pair of high heels, now for the clothes I don't have any idea. I'm probably going to choose a dress, but seriously almost all my clothes are dresses, it's always a ready to go option.

What would Tanya do?

Yes, that Tanya, one of my best friends. I mean, Rosie is awesome but I think we all agree that when it comes to style, Tanya is the best one to give you any advice about it. I think actually that the best question to make myself is:

"What Grace would do with Tanya's advice?"

I would probably say that she is wrong, that I'm never wearing that and similar stuff. But eventually I would agree and feel like the prettiest girl in town, a badass, the dancing queen I know that I am but sometimes constantly need to be reminded of.

Deep breath, think a little more and then finally head to my closet one last time. I open a drawer and I think I found a good option: a silk dress in a light pink color, not too long and not too short. I remember buying it at some random store in London, but I never used it because I never had the right opportunity for it, until now. It's simple when compared to other dresses that I own, but it's so beautiful and confortable, even with the slit that has on it. I finally smile and now all the rest seems to be much more easier to choose, I spot the perfect pair of high heels and eventually the right accessories to wear with it, with makeup and hair ideas already coming to my mind. I separate them in a chair and then start to organize my room, so it's not a full mess when I come back home and I can simply sleep in my very confortable bed that is calling me right now but no, I am going to that party.

After my room is in a more presentable way, I quickly change myself into the dress that I choosed earlier and go do my makeup and hair, which takes aproximately thirty minutes or something. Wow I really got better with timing, back at college I was just so bad with organizing myself and my time and all that stuff. Let's just say that I would never arrive on time for anything, not even the parties. At the day of my graduation, where I arrived late of course, our vice chancellor said some stuff  about Oxford, about the class and all that classical never-ending kind of thing that every official speech has. Of course, students always do speeches too, and as she was about to call the valedictorian, also known as me, she said:

"This year, the student chosen by Oxford's history class of 2014 is also our top student of the class..."

Now, pay attention to that part.

"... Ponctual as ever, is Grace Sapphire."

Yep, now not only every student and professor (but they already new that) also every single parent of my coleagues know that I'm (or at least used to be) always late. But something really special also happened right after the sound of claps and laughter, our chancellor and I were very close, she helped me a lot during all those years at college. She wispered something like "you are going to do great things, Grace" but in other words, and then I started to do my speech. Later on during the party that was held I sang "When I Kissed The Teacher" along with Tanya and Rosie... but that's another story, for another time.

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