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Grace saw the girl take her sunglasses off and put them aside on the table along with her phone, the young girl smiled and quickly presented herself saying that her name is Bethany and that she is nineteen years old. She is familiar, probably one of those young actresses with recent careers or something like that.

Bethany: I would love a suggestion m... I'm sorry, before the order, I don't know your name! What's your name??

Grace pov. On:

I blinked a few times at that question and then suddenly smiled, calming myself and my anxiety down for my own sake.
She doesn't know you, that is so freaking awesome!!!

Grace: I'm Grace, your name is so cool.

Still, let's keep it short.

Bethany: Wow that's such a beautiful name, better than mine! Oh wait, the order! Grace, do you have any suggestions??

I laughed a bit with Bethany's excitement, it's like she is just having the best time ever talking to a random waitress while placing her order.

Grace: Right, even though our best products are pies, I think you will like a blueberry muffin with some hot chocolate. It seems like you came from a cold place.

Bethany: That sounds delicious! Not really, it wasn't that cold but it rained a lot. Wait, I noticed your accent now, are you british?? I just arrived from London! I'm a model, I was doing a job there and now I'm back to my boring life of living with my older and only brother, and my parents. They are nice, my brother is not, he pranks me all the time! It's annoying but I love him anyway.

I smiled, reminding of a time when I was just a little kid running in big corridors with my cousin, who has always been like a big brother for me, most of the times we would be running from his older brother (that also is like a brother for me, but a little bit more serious) after some prank we did together. Just a normal five year old, who was staying with them and her uncle for a few days before going out with other family members.
William and Harry had always been there for me, and I must say that even though I lived most of the time with my Spencer family, I feel much more closer to the Windsor side, I just don't know why. All the advices, the times I've cried in front of them and they didn't judge, all the laughter... and pranks, oh my God the pranks. There are just so many memories, it's good to remember. But not right now because I just wanna burst into laughing and that would be be so embarrassing.
Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.

Grace: Yes! I was born in England, I've been living in  Santa Barbara, for six months now. When I lived in the UK let's just say that I moved a lot.

Bethany: Oh I see, my parents are british too but me and my brother were born in the US, so I've been living here for my whole life. When I was little we went to the UK a lot, now it's just sometimes.

That's why her accent is different, I was confused for a moment while trying to figure it out from where in the UK she is.
I liked her, she reminds me a bit of my own self, when I'm with my friends and in my happy, bubbly mood. I don't have many friends here, it would be nice to have some. But it's not like I can sit here and talk to her, I need to work. Oh my her order.

Grace: Any other requests for your order??

Bethany: No! Thanks Grace.

I smile and then go the counter to get her order done.
After a few minutes waiting for the blueberry muffins, I quickly went back to Bethany's table and placed the muffin and the hot chocolate in front of her.

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