• nowadays •

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Grace pov. On:

Another day, another normal and common routine. No people coming to wake you up and put on fancy clothes, it's just you and your phone alarm, who won't shut until you finally get out of your bed.
Wake up, shower, breakfast, get ready to work, leave your house and then slowly walk to the bus stop because sometimes you're a morning person and you're not late for work like most of the times, and the only reason they don't fire you is because you're the best employee they have, not because of your name. That's just how it is, here I am just Grace, I add the Sapphire if asked for a surname, I'm not royalty or anything related here, I'm simply myself. That's actually a really funny thing, I did some research a while ago and apparently the amount of people who has the same name and age as I is HUGE, that's good for me now... I guess?? It's weird, but it's that kinda of thing; new baby related to anything on royalty = boom on anything related to that baby. I should have know already.

It's a sunny day, and the slow wind that is blowing my hair is making this day adorable, hope it keeps going like that. I'm even smiling!

Grace pov. Off.

Since Grace is in a good mood, she decided to pay more attention on her way, not exactly the way, she is careful, but her neighbourhood. She's been living there for six months and barely knows anything or anyone around here! Okay, that was a choice that she made, but it would be nice to know more, some days can be very lonely.
Only four more blocks and she would be in the bus stop, she decided to take the longer way this morning.
Just went she looked to the street, to see if any cars were coming, she heard someone scream, more specifically man. Grace immediately changed her way and went in the direction of the voice, wanting to find out who it was. She approached a young guy fixing some cars at a mechanical shop, or better, doing everything with so much anger, that she presumed he was the one that screamed. He looked at her not understanding of why this random and strange girl was looking at him with such a confused face.

Grace: Is everything alright?

Leo: I'm sorry, do I know you? I'm Leonard Campbell, Leo for short.

Grace: Nice to meet you, I'm Grace. And you don't know me, it's just that I heard you and it seems like something is wrong, may I help you?

Leo: Nah... no you can't. Just some of those rich clients who come over for a good service and then say the price is not fair, when actually is cheaper than any place in town. Regular stuff, you know?

Grace: Yeah... I think I do.

She actually doesn't understand that much, we're talking about cars and even though she has a driver's license she never had a car. The closest thing she ever had was a bike, which the only thing in common to a car is that it goes somewhere... again, I guess. Both have wheels! There you go. But if there's something that she understands really well is how people can behave themselves if they have too much power, too much money, too much of everything. For her, it's a choice. You can have all these things and still be the nicest person ever, or you can be the opposite, have all these things and be the worst person ever. Sadly, most people don't think of it as a choice.

Grace: Have you been living here for a long time?

Leo: nine years, since I was fourteen. I'm twenty two now, what about you?

Grace: I'm twenty nine. I moved here recently, six months now, I used to live in England before.

Leo: Ohh so you're british, I've never been outside the US but that's nice. Do you mind if I ask why you said England and not a specific place or something?

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