Chapter 22

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Julia's POV

"Okay Cyrus, what's the update?" I called, rushing over to his desk and leaning over his shoulder to check the computer.

We were in our main base and most of my team were in the room working.

Our main work room is large with the most advanced systems in place. Reed and I have the biggest desk at the head of the room with each of the Capo Regimes having their own work space.

Each of the desks are the same dark colour with secret compartments, and it's like a room straight out of a spy movie...only better.

"I've tried to hack into the computer base, but whoever we're dealing with has seriously strong security. It's the best I've seen in years. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get into their system." he explained.

"Damn it!" I said, getting frustrated.

We'd got an anonymous tip about a threat towards us...and we weren't sure who we was coming for us, when or why.

We'd told the kids about it to make sure that they stayed in the house, but we certainly acted as though we knew more than we did.

Reed and I told them that they just want money, and they most likely do...but we can't be certain.

Usually when we're threatened, we're prepared. We know who we're dealing with and we know their weaknesses. We also deal with them quickly and simply. I rarely find myself losing sleep over the opponents who challenge us.

Reed and I haven't dealt with anything too dramatic or life threatening in a while, after we took a step back from the dangerous side of things.

When we were much younger, we both thrived off the adrenaline rush when we went on missions, even when our kids were young we continued to be in the prime of our careers.

As they grew up, however, we decided to stop being the ones to threaten other gangs and mafia groups. We were content with how things were going and the rest of our team agreed, so we decided to only take part in dangerous missions when necessary and we recruited some younger members to deal with the things that we didn't want to be concerned with.

Business has been going great for years, with practically no real disturbance, but I had that horrible feeling in my stomach that that was about to change.

I wanted to catch these rivals as soon as possible to ensure that we knew what was going on.

The fear is so much more real now than it was when I was young. In my 20's the mafia gave me so much excitement. I was new to it all when Reed and I got together and it was the most exciting time of my life. I wanted to go on missions and have that thrill...but now, it's completely different.

Now that the two of us are parents, we don't want to put ourselves or our children at risk. Especially now that they're older and more aware.

And it's exactly the same for my friends, especially Ivy. She's been a supermom ever since she took a bullet to the stomach when she was pregnant. Ever since Jamie was born she's kept her boys safe from everything and devoted her life to them.

She's amazing.

So when I heard about this threat, I wanted to sort it quickly.

Unfortunately for me, Cyrus couldn't track them.

Cyrus is the best hacker in the country, so if he couldn't do it then I knew that no-one could. That's when my concern began to grow.

"Okay, India, Tris, I want everyone on this case. We need to find out who's after us and why. I want as many details as possible and I want them now." I ordered.

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