The Truth

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Note from The Author: Thank you for reading this book. I sincerely hope that you enjoy each story. Each are of a different genre just as many of the stories people have told throughout the years have been. Enjoy!

                                                                The Truth

Description: The Truth is a short story with a BIG moral. Wrote in the eyes of the reader, you will experience this one first hand. As you go through the things the main character feels you will realize the truth behind the words. This is a story of reality and is something that happens many times a year. Take your journey now in the eyes of the character.

Let us begin...

          The story I am about to tell you is true in many cases. I want you to vision yourself being the main character. Try your hardest to put yourself in the predicament that the character is in. You shouldn't continue reading if you are sensitive. You were warned... Now we begin...

          The morning air is fresh as you take in a deep breath. Its calm and all is right. You begin to walk around looking for somebody to talk with. You had a fearful dream about an experience that you witnessed not too long ago and you have to talk about it. Peering out site you see a few of your friends and family lingering around. Deciding that now is the best time you walk over there.

          "Hi, good morning" you say looking at the few around you. Your brother and sister are in front of you. To the side of you is your lover and on the other side is your best friend. They all say Hello and good morning back to you. You begin to think of the best way to begin this upcoming conversation but the words just won't come. It’s a heartbreaking memory for anybody to remember and you don't want to ruin their mornings. The sight of the dream replays in your mind, but you try to push the visions away.

          It was midafternoon and your mother was outside warming up in the sun and taking in the beautiful day. You see your father walk up next to your mother and they begin to talk and share the beautiful day together. Not wanting to ruin their moment you stay a distance away and give them their peace. But you keep watching them. It’s so sweet how they are still in love. Suddenly a loud noise echoes and you jump. Something hit your mother and she falls to the ground with a loud thud and a painful cry. Your father kneels down beside her not caring about where the sound came from and he begins to caress her in her last few moments. Suddenly the loud noise echoes again and your father falls on top of your mother. They suddenly look up at you and you begin to run over but a site halts you in place. The killer runs up on your parents. Your father gives your mother one last kiss and they pass on together. Suddenly another person walks up and they both look happy. They grab your parents and drag them away. You are left standing there not able to do a thing....

          A tear streams down your cheek. You still feel like somehow it may have been your fault. Regrets begin to pour back into your mind again. What if you would have run over? Maybe you could have scared the two people away. Before anybody see's you walk a distance from the small crowd of your loved ones. You look up into the bright blue sky trying to smile and say I love you mom and dad. Thinking that you got yourself together enough to walk back over something happens. You hear a loud echoing noise again and pain shoots throughout your body. The aching pain makes you fall to the ground. You look up and see your brother, sister, best friend and lover looking at you and begin to run to you. "You scream out no just leave, I love you all so much. Look for me in the sky." You turn your head and see two people running toward you. Thankfully your loved ones ran but you know they are still watching. You recognize these two people. They are the same one's that killed your parents. One kneels down beside you. You look up at them and wonder "how could anybody be so cruel." He puts his hands around your neck and snaps in. You no longer feel any pain and you pass on.

          Ok by now you may be wondering why I told you this story and if it really is true. Yes it’s very true in many different cases like I said before. I forgot to tell you one thing though. The story you just experienced was in the eyes of a deer (or any other hunted animal) you just witnessed the killing of not a person but an animal. How do you feel now? Are you still sad? Can you still picture yourself as the main character? Isn't it cruel how humans treat animals sometimes? We are all creatures on this earth, and none are better than the other. Sorry if this made you to sad, but it is something that happens every day. If we humans hunt to eat for survival then fine, but hunting for the fun or sport of it is dead wrong!

Written By: Melody Wilson ©2009

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