10. Dinner

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okay so I know this story doesn't have THAT many readers but the ones who have been keeping up make me so happy and i just wanted to say thank you guys :'( also, i know that i am not the greatest writer but hey! i'm trying!

"Andy. Do you plan on visiting your folks while you are down here?" Jeff asks. I raise the wine glass to my face. "No Jeff I don't. I actually planned on relaxing on this one trip." Cassie shoots me a look, warning me almost. I rolled my eyes and continued sipping my wine.

The waiter brought out our food. "Chicken Parmesan is an interesting choice Andy. Have you checked in with the directors to see what your diet should consist of?" He says, a bleeding steak being placed in front of him. I ball my fists up, preparing to say something. Pedro beats me to it though. "I didn't know they were dietitians or nutritionists Jeff? I didn't even know you were too. That's wild that the studio doesn't use you all more often for that." My stomach drops in anger. I shoot Cassie a look before she speaks up. "Andy maintains herself fine Jeff. Leave the poor girl alone."

I look down at my food, almost disgusted. "I didn't mean anything by it. All I'm saying is that wardrobe was complaining because they couldn't find a skirt in the correct size for Andy last week, stating her measurements had drastically changed from the last film." Jeff starts cutting into his steak. A big fire ball lit in my chest. I downed the rest of my wine before preparing to finally speak up. I still had to fight off some tears.

"Last I checked, jumping from a size two to a six isn't "drastic", especially after starving myself for almost two years. Also, red meat in general is bad for you, let alone a steak triple the normal portion size. Also, do you allow other men to make comments on your daughters weight? If so, what a shit parent you are. If it was such an inconvenience for wardrobe, how come they didn't say anything to me about it? God forbid my size changed a year after my last film."

I pushed myself out of my seat and stood up, throwing my purse over my shoulder. "Excuse me," I say, walking to the bathroom. I pushed the door open and stood in front of the mirror, tossing my purse on the counter. I started at my chest and started making my way down to my waist. The tears started to fall down my cheeks.

Jeff was right. My weight had changed, but up until right now, I was fine with it. I had developed curves I didn't know I was capable of having. My bra size went up. I was complimented on it. I ran my fingers over my midsection, feeling myself, knowing I had filled out. I made my way up to my chest, knowing that the A cup had developed into a full C. The warm tears kept falling though. I'm just being sensitive. Or maybe I'm not, but I have tougher skin than this. Right?

I walk backwards and lower myself against the wall and onto the ground, staring forward into the floor length mirror. Moments go by until there a know at the door. "Andy? Are you in there?" It was Pedro. "Yeah. I'll be right out," I say. Before I know it, he pushes through the door, forcing me to quickly wipe my tears from my cheek. "Hey, hey. There's no reason to cry. Jeff is just an asshole. Don't listen to him," he says, lowering himself onto the ground next to me. I shake my head and look up, trying to stop the tears. "He's not wrong Pedro. I gained weight. But I always fought the negative thoughts, knowing that it wasn't a bad thing. I just don't understand why he's such a jerk," I say, continuing to wipe my cheeks.

His hand rests on my thigh. "You look absolutely perfect Andy. Don't you dare let that man decide how you should look. You're perfect the way you are," he says. I nod and straighten myself out. "Yeah you're right. Plus, a studio can afford some alterations right? Screw Jeff." I laugh and nod my head. "For the record, I remember seeing you at an after party and thought you were gorgeous. Then that award show awhile after. I couldn't believe that you were getting even more attractive. When we officially met for this movie, I was in disbelief. I actually was bothered that time was treating you better than me. Kind of made me self conscious for a second there Andy," he said, scratching the back of his head. I playfully hit his shoulder and laughed. "You're so full shit. I doubt any of that even crossed your mind." He scoots back and looks at me with a pout. "I wouldn't lie to you Andy."

Pedro stands up from the ground and then offers me a hand. I take it, careful that my dress doesn't ride up. "Let me just wash my hands before I have to go back out there," I say, approaching the sink. "Yeah no. We are most definitely not staying." Pedro says. I pump the soap onto my hands and start rubbing them together. "We can't just leave," I say, rolling my eyes. "Why can't we? No one is going to stop us. Plus, I think being insulted at dinner is reason enough to get up and leave." He's got a valid point.

I dry my hands with a paper towel and give him a single nod. "Valid point. Let me just get my coat." His hand warps around mine as we both walk out of the restroom. An older woman stands outside, staring at us. "What? Don't act like you've never hooked up in the women's bathroom back in the day," he says to her. I tug his arm. "Pedro!" He just shrugs as we continue walking to the table.

"Andy, nice of you to join us. Your food is getting cold and we are halfway done," Jeff says. Cassie looks down at our hands. I shoot her an apologetic look. "Actually, Andy and I are headed out." Pedro lifts my coat over my shoulders, helping my arms through it. "Thanks for dinner Jeff. It was lovely. I know we didn't get a chance to discuss writer vision but I'm sure we'll get another chance." I throw my purse back over my coat. "Cassie, I'll call you later?" I tell her. She just shakes her head as she continues picking at her salad. You can always apologize later. I tell myself. 

I quickly turn back before walking away from the table. "Hey Jeff. Just a heads up. Might want to cut back on the dinner rolls. From personal experience," I inch closer to him. "They go straight to your hips," I say. I hook my arm around Pedro's, heading straight to the valet.

"For Pascal." Pedro hands the claim ticket to the man working the valet for our rental. "Right away sir," he says, hopping onto a golf cart and driving away. "I will say, this is better than waiting for an Uber. Glad Cassie thought ahead," I say. "Me too." He says, his hand resting on the small of my back.

I tap my heel on the ground, waiting. "The only positive thing about these heels are that they make my legs look good. It still makes me question whether or not the pain is worth it." He lowers himself, closer to my ear. "It's worth it. Trust me." My cheeks flush and I shoot him a smile.

The car is brought up to us and the man quickly runs out, handing the keys over to Pedro. He slides him tip money and pulls my door open. I step in, watching for my head and pulling my purse and coat inside. He walks around and gets in.

"Alright. So now what? Back to the hotel? Get out of these clothes?" He asks. I look down at my dress shaking my head. "It would feel like such a waste of an outfit," I say. He turns his head towards me. "So what do you have in mind?" He asks. I smile big and take his hand into mine. "I know a place. Let's go."

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