we meet again!!!!

10 3 0

The families have both agreed to go bring their children together to strengthen their various companies.
They look like they have so much faith in their plans, do they know what's called fate????

I guess not.


Finally gotten inside my safe zone.....my office, don't get confused. I let out a sigh of relief, glancing at my watch its 1:30pm.
Didn't take much time for a meeting, they had both concluded behind my back all these was just formalities.

Well I really don't care who they're bringing or who they're betrothing to me, she should just have a plus in minding her damn business, wouldn't want some stranger forcing husband duties on me.
Everything I do is for my Mum, and this empire is my legacy to carry on.
I also noticed dad's sinister smile while sealing the deal, egocentric men like my dad can do to any length to get what they want.
I know its bad, I hope its not that bad.

My phone rings bringing me out of thoughts.
Its EMMANUEL, shit! I was supposed to call him first 🤦🏻

"Hey bruhhh, I'm really sorry, we just got done with the meeting, I'm done, when you get to the building tell them I'm expecting you, they'll give me a call to grant you pass"
I conclude swirling lazily on my swivel chair.

"Aight bruhhh, I'm at a cafe few blocks away, I'll soon be there"
He hangs up.

I should call Rita to come tidy this office and get drinks from the Kitchen department.

Pulling the Intercom close to my ear, " Rita, get in here and tidy up my office, go to the cellar and order the best nonalcoholic wine, I'm expecting a guest, when he comes, usher him in......and oh don't forget to call me first"
I didn't bother to wait for her answer, just dropped the receiver back to the intercom.

Still on the swivel chair, I'm scrolling through my Facebook, then I see a familiar name under *people you may know*

Amelia grande

Wait, opening the display picture to see the green eyed witch on a beach!!!
Wow she isn't boring After all.
She's with the bikini and a large round hat, and a sunshade smiling sheepishly to whoever was holding the camera.
Wow, I'm so wowed...just then I see a post dated back last year.
Its her dad and mum with marching outfits, caption *family is all we've got❤❤😘🤗, meet papa and mama*

That's Mr grande and wife, CEO of G&G company!!!, wait so she's their daughter.
Okay nice one, I keep scrolling....just then it struck me.
If they had said they have just a daughter, then that means Amelia is the daughter!!
Lia is the one I'm getting an arranged marriage with???!
Chuckling to myself I send her a Friend request, she might take time to respond or throw tantrums,she's meant to be mine.

My telecom rings, picking it up I hear the receptionist voice " sir one EMMANUEL Fernando.....""its fernandez babe" I hear Emma say in the background.
Her voice comes up again..."sorry EMMANUEL Fernandez, wants you see you"

"Okay, let him in"
I say before dropping the receiver.

Barely a minute, my secretary is ushering Emma in.

"Being a Long time FAM"
I say standing up to meet him for a hug.


Stepping out of my car and walking towards the building, I marvel at the size, this is indeed an empire!
Not even compared to my meager company I manage on my own.
My family isn't the wealthy type.
We lived in Nigeria with my papa and Momma.
Papa always told us that momma's family were racists, so momma had to run away with papa back to Nigeria, safe to say we grew in Nigeria, Abuja to be precise.
Relocating to the New York at the age of 17 has been hard for us, we had to pick our lives from scratch.
School was no difference, was been bullied by some kids for being brown and curly hair unlike when I was in Nigeria, where I was loved by all, teacher's, girls, everybody!
I was the trophy of the school, I had the brains too, plus my good looks.....just call me prince charming.

Brianna didn't get half of what I got in Highschool, she was the feared bad bitch, she had the man power to take 7girls at a go😂.
Maybe cos of her undying love for the fufu and melon soup, she loved it, then in Nigeria we never went a week without it.
Mine was the jollof, I can't remember the taste anymore, papa made it for us then every Sunday.

Brianna was a whole black girl vibe, she had the vibe, making her win so many kids to her favor, she was social and outgoing, the life of every party.
I remember on her prom, how many guys came bribing me to convince sister to go out with them do prom, going out with BRI was a walking trophy.
We had the looks, the vibe and the brains.

We worked together to get to where we are now, my company deals on software and website designing.
Bri used to be my accountant, but then the company grew, we could stand now, she had to go into her fashion career now, thus quitting her accounting job.

We aren't wealthy, but we are okay, and living fine.

Wondering how I met Alexander?
We met for a business summit, we were both blessed with the looks, checking out each other from afar, until we got to know each other, we realized we bonded intellectually, our brains were on fire...boom!
From talking about latest softwares to business stuffs, soon personal lives, and dreams, told him I was staying at Toronto, turns out him too was staying there and had an empire there.
So I'm back now, and I'm here for my Friend.

Hugging him I catch a whif of his cologne, *emergency* that's the name, one of the best Cologne's.


We've been talking for hours and its late already, so we're heading downstairs now still talking and laughing.
"What's your secretary's name again??” I ask

"Oh, she???.....That's Rita Clyde....any problem??”

"No, just curios" truth is she looked familiar, buy couldn't pinpoint where.
At the parking lot now, we exchange a few Handshakes and enter our cars zooming off, him first.

*fufu*= A Nigerian delicacy, casava in form of a sticky dough. Also called swallow.

*melon soup*= most common soup to go with the fufu, from melon seeds.

Adiós people💜💜💜
Why do you think EMMANUEL was curios about Rita Clyde???

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