Cry Wolf - Part 2

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The courtyard seemed to be surprisingly organized compared to the chaos that had gone down inside. Everyone was separated into lines by classes for teachers to be sure everyone was accounted for, just like they had practiced during fire drills. The three wolfbloods were pulled up to the back of their class lines, and Aquila had only spotted the angry looking Shannon moments before she appeared.

"You both are mental!" Shannon shouted. Maddy tried to stop her, but Shan didn't even stutter. "I could possibly expect this out of you, Rhydian Morris!" She gave Rhydian a very pointed look before turning to give Aquila a direct stare down. "But you Aquila! I would have never seen this coming from you!" Aquila wasn't sure what to say, so she didn't say anything. That was probably a good thing, because Shan clearly wasn't done.

"Aquila, this is unbelievable! I swear this never would have happened before Rhydian came along! You have been spending too much time with that boy and I don't like it!" That was enough, Aquila was fine with Shan saying stuff to her face, she didn't understand everything, but to blame it on Rhydian was too much.

"Now hold on Shannon Kelly!" The redhead stopped. "Do you ever stop to think that maybe you don't have all the clues! This was not Rhydian's fault and you know it!"

"Alright! Attention everybody!" Mr. Jefferies shouted. "Go to the form room and use this time to revise!" Then he pointed directly at Aquila and Rhydian. "And you two come with me to see the head teacher." The formed lines started moving back towards the school, and Rhydian and Aquila shared a look.

"Later, Mads." Then they both followed Jefferies into the school and through the halls. As they walked away, Aquila could hear Maddy yelling at Shannon, but Jefferies was talking to the two of them, so she tried to focus on him to avoid more trouble.

"I cannot express how completely irresponsible that was! I am deeply disappointed in the both of you."

"I'm sorry sir. I panicked, I was so stressed, and I smelled something and my- my mind went right to the worst." Both Aquila and Rhydian knew it was a lie, but Jefferies seemed to believe it because his step faltered. Upon seeing this, Rhydian had decided it was time to speak up as well.

"Look sir, I know I should've waited for Mrs. Parish, but it was more instinctual to pull the alarm." Mr.s Jefferies fully stopped and turned to the two students.

"Well," he sighed. "Perhaps the head teacher doesn't need to be involved. If what you say is true, I can't really blame you Aquila for speaking up when you were worried, and Rhydian you did have the best interest of the class in mind."

"Really, sir?" Jefferies stood in front of the doors to the head teachers office, he paused and looked towards the doors again before beckoning them to follow him the other way.

Rhydian and Aquila followed Jefferies down the school halls, through a set of doors at the other end of the hallway and towards a staircase. When the two students and the teacher reached the landing in between the two floors, Aquila could hear a quiet rustling coming from the office, and a familiar scent. She tipped her head down, not far she could smell Jimi, he smelled like heavy cologne, but she could also smell the scent of grass and mint, something she came to acquaint with Tom.

She didn't know why Tom was in Jefferie's office, but whatever it was she still didn't want him to get caught. So, as quick as she could, she purposely tripped on the next step. She didn't hurt herself, but it was definitely loud enough to be heard in the office, and she could only hope that Tom heard it too.

Jefferies had turned around surprised and Aquila quickly muttered an apology. Behind her, Rhydian held out his hand to help her up. She grabbed it, gratefully, and hauled herself back onto her feet before they continued up the stairs.

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