Cry Wolf - Part 1

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Aquila awoke to an empty bedroom, not her own, it was Maddy's bedroom. Groggily, she sat up with bleary eyes. Aquila's textbooks were scattered across the bed and the floor, but there was only one copy of each, meaning that Maddy was already downstairs and almost ready for school. Pulling on her uniform, and her red sweater, jumper, whatever you would like to call it, and stuffing her books and study sheets into her bag. Aquila could hear the muffled chatter coming from the Smith's kitchen downstairs, as she walked to the bathroom.

Jumping down the stairs, her bag flying out behind her, Aquila moved towards the kitchen. "Uh, 5 times 76?" Daniel stood at the stove as Aquila walked through the doorway.

"Stop it, dad." Maddy moaned, rubbing her head.

"380!" Aquila announced with a gameshow voice.

"We have a winner!" Daniel used the spatula as a microphone, his voice matching Aquilas. She did a small victory dance as she fell into her seat at the table next to Maddy. The brown-haired girl was hunched over a math book, revising for the math exam they had that day. Needless to say, Aquila was much more ready for the math exam than Maddy was.

"Are you still studying for the exam? We spent hours yesterday going over it," Maddy asked, looking at her friend with slight pity. It was true, Maddy and Aquila had spent nearly five hours the previous night quizzing each other on math, and while Aquila was somehow naturally gifted with the subject, Maddy did not possess such gifts. Aquila did not get an actual verbal answer, instead she just got an incoherent mumble, which told her more than actual words would.

"You girls feeling confident?" Emma moved through the kitchen, Daniel's face lit up slightly as his wife gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"No, I hate maths." Maddy groaned and Aquila placed a comforting hand on her arms.

"Oh come on, you'll walk these exams." Daniel boasted and Aquila nodded in agreement. Maddy didn't say anything, instead releasing an uncomfortable sigh. Aquila, noticing the way Maddy was uncomfortable and dreary, was quick to realize what was happening, as it had happened only months prior to herself.

"Alright, come on Mads, what's wrong?" Both Emma and Daniel looked at their daughter curiously.

"I dunno. I just can't seem to focus on anything. And me head hurts and my hands are throbbing, and my feet to and-"

"Right, and the gums?" Daniel interrupted, giving Maddy a pitiful look, reaching for his own jaw. Maddy copied his actions, placing her hand below her face and nodded.

"Right, you're not going to school-" Emma decided.

"I'll tell Mr. Jefferies." Aquila added quickly.

"What?" Maddy cried.

"You're on the brink of transforming." Emma revealed. Maddy's eyes widened and her mouth dropped a little.

"Believe me, it's far from a joyride." Aquila gave a small smile to the girl who stared up at her.

"How are you gonna cope with a week of exams?"


"No Maddy, take a rest. I'll tell Jefferies you're incredibly ill and you can take them next week or something."

"No way." Maddy shook her head. "I've worked far too hard for this. I'll be fine." Glancing at Daniel, Aquila shrugged. If Maddy said she could do it, it wouldn't be easy, but somehow she would do it.

The next moment, a spark caught on the stove and the flame jumped. Aquila heard Maddy yell as she backed into the corner, staring at the bright orange fire. Daniel stumbled with the flaming pan, before throwing it down onto the table. Aquila started growling, and in front of her so did Daniel, as he held Aquila behind him, while Emma shielded Maddy.

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