viii. the carnival

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Dahlia's hands trembled like an earthquake had taken over her bones, sending shakes and tremors throughout her body

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Dahlia's hands trembled like an earthquake had taken over her bones, sending shakes and tremors throughout her body. She was uncertain as to why she was so anxious— why she feared her knees would give out on her, why she had to bite her lip to stop it from quivering. Something deep shaking in her core left her unsettled as she stepped hesitantly through the gloomy entrance of the carnival.

She stuffed her cold yet clammy hands into the pockets of her jacket, hoping the sinister feeling would slowly fade. Her attempts at calming herself down were to no avail, her breaths shortening as she progressed into the carnival. Eyes darting from attraction to attraction, Dahlia subconsciously searched around for anyone, for fear of coming across someone, although she wasn't certain as to who she was so nervous about bumping into. Uncertain if there even was anyone she was frightened of, she wondered if her nervous system was playing tricks on her.

Like a harsh or stabbing sensation, Dahlia's shoulder felt as though on fire. It felt as though someone had begun to trace along her scar with a metal poker that had been dipped into a fire pit, sending Dahlia to her knees as she screamed in agony. The pain only sharpened over time. Through her teary eyes and trembling body, Dahlia tried to turn around in her crouched position to see who or what was inflicting pain on her and to fight back, but her sobs only loudened when she saw no one was there. Through choked sobs, Dahlia forced her weak legs to pick her up, her knees almost buckling before her as she stood. With one hand clutching onto her shoulder, Dahlia limped as she turned around slowly, trying to identify anyone at the carnival. She sniffled, wiping the blur away from her eyes and narrowing them to focus on the game booths surrounding her. Almost brought to more tears when all she saw were giant teddy bears, Dahlia pressed the back of her arm against her parted lips to muffle a sob that tore through her body from the growing pain in her shoulder.

"There has to be someone here!" Dahlia cried, eyes begging to land on someone that could explain what she was going through. She continued to turn in circles, still standing in the same spot she had been earlier, hoping more than anything that she wasn't crazy– that someone was here, doing this to her and she wasn't imagining things.

Her breath caught in her throat when bells chimed softly. Slowly, Dahlia turned to her left, eyes darting from stall to stall to identify where the noise had come from. Behind the counter of the red and blue striped booth, stood a woman with every intention of being seen. She made no effort to hide from or avoid Dahlia as she gaped at the lady in confusion.

"Who are you?" Dahlia called out, limping toward the woman in the colourful stall. The woman didn't answer. "Who are you?" Dahlia said louder. She squinted to get a more focused view of the mysterious woman in the distance, who began to wave her hand smoothly in front of her as though casting a spell. "Who are-" Dahlia choked on her breath, her voice catching in her throat as everything around her dissolved into darkness.

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