Ch. 71: The End.

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In which we find our happy ending with our boys.

I take a sip from my water bottle, sitting down in the warm computer chair and plucking my headphones off the desk just in time to tune in on the conversation going on in TS.

"—new record for longest time!" Phil's laughter filled my ears, and I immediately knew what he was talking about again. "I still have the record!"

"Hey, old man, shut the fuck up!" Tommy's loud snap made me want to take my headphones right back off.

"We had the high score though! That's what matters, Tommy!" I smile and take another sip from my water bottle as Tubbo laughs over Tommy's annoyance with Phil over our experience.

It's been a week, and it's still hard to come to terms that the entire experience we all shared, that whole different world...

...was just a next level virtual reality escape experience that also made us amnesiacs until we beat the game that we all make a living playing and streaming for our fans.

Clay's frustration about not having the speed running high score over Phil is hilarious, though.

"Scoot." I tilt my head back to meet the emerald gaze of the man in question over the back of his computer chair, shaking my head with a smile before he snorts and lifts me easily.

Once he was sat down, he sat me on his lap with a content sigh before reaching for his own Bluetooth headphones.

"Where's Nicky and Georgie?" I ask before he has a chance to unmute us from the TS channel.

"Nick's out grabbing food and George is in the shower." Clay answers before pressing a kiss to my neck and just laying his face there like that for a second, letting me relax on him as well.

"—oi! Green boi! HELLO!" Our sweet moment ruined by Tommy, Clay sighs and reaches forward to smash the unmute key.

"What, Tommy?" Clay answers him with his frustration obvious.

"Tell Philza Minecraft that our playthrough was better, even if you, George and Sapnap were too busy trying to get pussy to really take it seriously."

I sigh and move to take my headphones off at Tommy's crassness over how we fell in love all over again in a video game.

Hey, bonus is that at least now we know just how strong our feelings are for each other if they can transcend time and space into a virtual world where we don't remember each other.

"TOMMY! LANGUAGE!" I hadn't even noticed Bad was there.

"Hey, Bad, how's Rat?" Clay greets Bad instead of acknowledging Tommy for his crass comment about our relationship.

Just because a sixteen-year-old can't understand a poly relationship doesn't mean we have to answer to his teasing.

"She's napping on my lap right now, how's Pippet and Patches?" Bad asks and as if he knew his name was called, our adorable little Pippet trotted into the room with Patches right behind him.

Clay plucks Patches up and deposits her on my lap where we can both pet her, while I also reach down to pat Pippet on the head when he rears up with his paws on the arm rest of our shared chair.

"They're good, they're with us right now." I answer for Clay, Patches purring on my lap as Clay scratches under her chin idly.

"When did you get there, lady?!" Tommy's surprise made all of us laugh, since most of the time if one of the boys is in TS, if I'm not in it on my own pc I'm probably around one of them at the time.

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