Ch. 65: Preparations

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"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, sweetheart."

I'm fairly certain George is getting fed up with being asked at least once a day how he's doing, but today it's been more since Dream and Techno finished with the nether portals yesterday.

Knowing that we could reach the Pillager city, and technically they could reach us if they figured out which of the many portals goes to our trapped one, both Clay and I have been making sure George is okay.

Being that close to your mortal enemy, we don't know if he might be feeling more stressed about it.

At least the others seem to be okay. Like me, they feel safe knowing that we're a whole team now. It's not just segments fighting against the pillagers this time, it's one big family ready to back each other up and rip any pillager that threatens us to shreds.

"Luv, ask me again and I'm gonna start going crazy." George said as I opened my mouth, so I just closed my mouth and watched him finish enchanting his chest plate.

"I only ask because I care." I reminded him after letting him have a minute just to put his chest plate away.

"I know you do. But you and Clay have asked me at least six times already today, and it's barely past noon." Okay, he has a good point there.

I watched as he set his boots on the enchanting table before turning back to me sitting at the table. He walked over to me, taking the chair opposite from me.

"I'm sorry, Georgie."

"You don't have to apologize. I just...feel like you guys think I'm fragile or something." George admitted as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't think you're fragile. I just know what those Pillagers do to you." I reached for his free hand, holding it in both of mine.

"I'm doing better, I promise. I want to believe that you're right, that we're stronger than them now and we'll be ready to fight them. So..." George dropped his other hand over mine. "I'll believe it."

"You'll remember to let us know if it starts to get to be too much again, right?" I asked before lowering my eyes to our clasped hands.

George pulled his hands from mine, and I frowned until he was lifting me up from my chair into a hug. "I promise, I'll tell you first." George offered and chuckled when I hugged myself tighter into his warm embrace.

"Thank you, Georgie."

"You're welcome, but only if you stop asking me if I'm okay."

"Alright, alright."

I let George get back to enchanting his diamond gear and instead headed out to see how the others are doing.

I've already finished my work for today, so I'm at liberty to free roam or help the others if they want me to. I'd be helping Dream and Techno if they'd let me into the Nether with them.

They're extra cautious since the scouting party attack. At least none of those scouts have come anywhere near New Hillshire yet.

The city is still safe, and we're going to keep working our hardest to make sure it stays that way.

I found Bad and Tubbo outside reseeding the farm, so decided to help them. "How was the harvest today?" I asked as Tubbo put away his enchanted hoe.

Yeah, I still don't know why he enchanted something like that, but he says if he uses it to harvest the crops, he gets more than usual. So, I guess it was a good enchant.

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