First rant in a while

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So we haven't done a rant in a while because we were away on a ski trip. we tried to write some stuff while we were away but it didn't work because i lost them :P . so we just made this crap up today like right now so if it's not funny i blame the damn pop-tart cats >.<        -Justin


for @XxSa_BoyxX (we know you love knock knock jokes so we thought of these)

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Cash who? 

No thanks, but I would like a peanut instead! 

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Doris who? 

Doris locked, that's why I'm knocking! 

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Banana who? 

Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Banana who? 

Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Banana who? 

Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Orange who? 

Orange you glad I didn't say "banana"? 

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 

Interrupting cow. 


 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 

Honey bee. 

Honey bee who? 

Honey bee a dear and get me a soda! 

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 


Madam who? 

Madam foot got caught in the door! 

 Knock knock? 

Who's there? 


Me who? 

No, seriously, it's just me. I am telling a knock knock joke. 

 Knock knock. 

Who's there? 

Cows go. 

Cows go who? 

No, cows go moo! 

 Knock knock. 

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