Where am I?

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~Deku's POV~
I wake up and all the memories of the day before start stabbing at me. I decide to activate my other senses before opening my eyes. I am laying down on a soft bed. It feels so comfortable like I could sink right in. Oh and that smell! It's so soothing, I can't remember what the smell is but it seems like sweet food. Not much noise is coming other than a constant beeping. Most likely a heart monitor. Wait...that means- I slowly open my eyes, right away a bright light overwhelms me. I squint my eyes trying to focus them. I'm inside a hospital room. How did I get here? I look to my right to see a sleeping kid. He has red and white hair. He looks very familiar. Oh! He is the one who saved me! I should probably thank him when he wakes up. What is he even doing here? I find myself staring at the sleeping male. 'He seems so peaceful' I think to myself. After about three minutes the bi-colored boy starts shuffling around and wakes up. "Deku! You're awake! Hi, I'm Shoto Todoroki" Shoto exclaims. he starts to walk towards me, out of instinct I move backward in the bed. It seems to upset him but then he gives me a sentimental face. 'God I hate when people feel sorry for me' I think again.
~Shoto's POV~
Oh no, I think I scared him! 'great job Shoto it's been one second and the kid hates you'. I move back slowly. "Sorry" Deku mumbles, he seems so innocent. "No it was my fault, I shouldn't have been so enthusiastic" I give him a small smile and he smiles back. Why is he so adorable. I move closer towards his bed again, this time he seems relaxed. "Do you need anything Deku?" I questioned while sitting at the foot of his bed. He quickly looked at the window. huh. "Do you know where Eri is?" Deku replied, he sounds worried. "She's in a different room with  Mr. Aizawa. She came in here a while ago and someone was able to heal her wounds." I assured him. His eyes light up hearing what I said. I'm glad I could make him feel better. I'm still curious about what had happened to him. Aizawa didn't tell me anything believing Deku should be the one to talk about himself. "Deku. Do you want to see her?" Deku looked at me shocked. What did I say wrong? I guess he realized what he did and started to ramble "s-sorry it-ts just nooneeverusedthatnameotherthenmyoldfriendandEri-" I grabbed his hand, stopping him. "Don't apologize, Could I call you Deku?" "Yea sure" This made me happy. "Ok, Deku would you like to see Eri?" He nodded in reply, I helped him up, and we walked to Eri's room.

~Deku's POV~

Once we get to the room Eri is inside my excitement goes over the roof and I rush towards her. It feels nice to know the one thing I had for so long was safe. We hug each other, holding onto the moment. I let go and sit next to her on the bed. "How are you Eri?" I ask while petting her hair. "I'm great! This guy named Mr. Aizawa came in and said we don't have to go back to Overhaul!" Eri cheered. "That's great Eri! What's on the table?" I look over to a small box that has a pink ribbon on top. "Oh, it's a present Mr. Aizawa gave me. Let's open it!" She reached over to the box and handed it to me to open. When I pulled off the lid there was a small stuffed bunny inside. Eri yanked the bunny from the box and put it right next to my ear. "Look! It's just like Deku!" She laughed. "Hey! " Ok fine I do kinda look like the bunny. Let me explain, I was given a bunny quirk making me grow ears, a tail, and fur in some places. Eri laughed again, hugging the bunny to her chest. Eri's smile has such an effect that you could have just won a lottery.


~Time skip brought to you by the portable ac/heater~


Shoto POV:


Deku and I are back in his room waiting for the doctors to finish talking with Mr. Aizawa. I remember how when we left Eri's room her smile lowered and she seemed isolated. Deku must make her feel safer. Mr. Aizawa walks into the room with a rare smile plastered on his face. 'I didn't think he could do that' I laugh to myself. "Izuku Midoriya how will you like to join U.A High School? You will be trained to control your quirks and could live at one of our dorms." Aizawa said with joy in his voice. "Yes, Thank You" Deku bowed to Aizawa. "Also I am going to adopt you and the little girl Eri." Mr. Aizawa said joyfully. Deku agreed and thanked him more than once. On that note, Deku was discharged and left to U.A dorms with Eri. I better get home before my old man gets mad at me. I am walking home when I hear a familiar voice. "Oi! Icy-Hot where have you been? You better have a reason for not being at school!" I don't need this right now. "Backugo I don't need you knowing my personal business, now I have to be getting home." I try to make my way around him but he pushes me back. "You're not getting away that easily!" He starts to blast explosions my way. He really needs to keep his anger in check. "Listen up Bakuhoe I don't feel like fighting you so let me pass by unless you want to be frozen in place." I barked back. He moved to the side with a disgusted look. I could hear him swearing as I walk away. 1 angry human down and 1 more to go. I run the rest of the way home. My old man is waiting impatiently on the front porch.

"What took you so long! Go inside we are doing extra training today!" Endeavor demands with anger in his voice. This is going to be a long night.  I walk inside to see my sister cooking. I walk pass greeting her on the way, I get to my room and I change. I walk over to where my old man usually trains me. 



~Time Skip~


After training I go to my room feeling like I'm going to die. I flop down on my bed, I look over to my clock to find it was 9:45 pm. I get up and start on all of my homework. I finish around 11:59 pm, I head off to sleep dreading tomorrow's training.




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