First encounter

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Robins POV

all of the titans were doing their usual stuff me cy and bb were playing video games and raven was reading when the crime alert went off.

Titans trouble I yelled and all of the titans ran over next to the computer

What we facing today rob cyborg asked

Some kind of space ship has landed in the centre of jump I replied and we all ran off I took my R-cycle bb and cy took the T-car and raven flew. We finally reached their and a large group of aliens came out I starred directly at a large man with long red hair and green eyes. Soon my eyes wondered to the back of the large group. Their was a girl around my age she was perfect she had long auburn hair green eyes that were also perfect and a slender form she had on a black crop top black mini skirt black high boots and covering her stomach as a silver pice of material that attached from her skirt to her t-shirt she was absolutely perfect

Starfire's POV

We had exited the ship and stood out side for a moment taking in all of the view when a group of people showed up I didn't dare look at them so I kept my head down until galafore gave me my commands.

Koriander glorb smark torbocorck (starfire take out the spiky headed boy) he said

Ruthnack (yes) I replied I flew up my eyes glowing green I landed next to the spiky headed boy I charged up a star bolt ready to fire and he got out a large poll yes I will admit the boy was what earth people call cute but that will not stop me from following orders my star bolt was fully charged and could easily kill anyone I was about to fire it but something was stoping me and it was beginning to give me the pain i looked up at the boy with Pained eyes he lowered the poll and slowly started walking towards me slowly with a worried expression.

Are you okay he asked I had no idea what the said so I turned to the wall that was right next to me and shot my star bolt at it the wall completely exploded sending me flying back I was about to go unconscious but I was able to see galafore and the others running into the ship and taking of and the boy I was meant to kill running over to save me and then it all went dark.


Hey guys hoped u liked it PLZ leave comments this isn't my first fanfic I have made others like new girl robstar fan fic and evil robin so u can read those I do not own teen titans bye LUV y'all XX

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