Numbers Are Good

11 1 0

Chapter 2


Numbers are good. 




Peter sat stiff, his Spider-Man mask itchy on his face. He probably was going to break out in a HORRIBLE amount of zits. Two days in the mask? Well he couldn't complain-the team at least had the honor of not damasking him. As he always requested.


"Is it because they have unique markers?" He squinted a bit wondering what Banner was talking about until remembering the question. Oh. Right. Wings.


"Because I believe we have worked together far long enough. . . ." he trailed off.


Spider-man was the most secretive of all the supers, that was obvious.


Not for lack of trying, mind you.

It took Peter 13 times scanning and finding bugs on his person or some of the 'gifts' from Tony until the man stopped his attempts at tracking him. He groaned rubbing his brow feeling an oncoming headache. Sometimes he wondered if it would be easier to just out himself to the other heros.



But then visions of Gwen and her father, of people like Harry and Norman and Connors who were effected by his masked self. And he thought of his aunt May, so hard working and strong and loving. How could he ever let Spider-Man and Peter become one? They had become two very different people over time.


"It's something like that," he finally said lamely before his back straightened," Shhooooot you said I have been out for TWO days?!?!" Tony and Banner looked to each other from one side of the bed. Clint and Natasha had been having one of their weird eyebrow conversations-to be able to take part in one would be one big perk of outing Peter to the others- and had stopped at his outburst.


"Yes," Steve said slowly glancing to the others for a moment before raising an eyebrow to the younger super.


It had been painfully obvious when Spider-man first met the avengers that he idolized both Cap. and Iron-Man. And Steve had immediately warmed up to the younger and took him under his wing, in an odd way taking a fatherly role among the team of supers. Peter almost laughed aloud at the thought. Would that make Tony his mommy?


"I-I have to be somewhere. Like, oh, 2 days ago,"he said as he clumsily untangled himself from his sheets and stood though regretted it immediately. He felt extremely weak.

Steve quickly grabbed his arm, his white wings bristling-just to add to his perfect image he had WHITE wings to top it off which may sometimes have made Peter slightly jealous.

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