Chapter 2: Plan, Allies, and Blood

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TW: Blood, gore, needles

"This bitch really decided to take the one book I was reading," Lihbi huffed as she continued to take her text for work.

She was thoroughly pissed off by Chrollo by the fact that he took the one book that she was reading. It was about a certain area thought to be the birthplace of a sacred object. Lihbi had been strictly guarding the book, as well as religiously reading it any time she had. The book was important for her, it had information on an object that she heard about from her childhood. An object she was currently trying to find and hunt down.

The girl set aside her anger, afterall she can always just get it back from him anyway. By doing so she created a small needle and poked it in one of the birds outside of the house. All of the animals, in the area, gathered around the house most of the time. Chrollo had put a nen barrier around the house, because lord knows they never paid for the house. So the area surrounding the house had a magical aura shrouding it. Which caused all sorts of things to flourish the estate. Most animals could sense nen the barrier, causing them to feel as though it was a safe haven for the animals; thein turn had them flock around the house. Creating the fairytale-like scenery, the house itself was quite old; it had vines crawling up the sides of the roof. Throughout the time spent at the house the area began to grow flowers and attract all kinds of animals.

Thus causing the animals there were loyal to the owners of their safe haven. Which let Lihbi allow her to freely use them as carrier animals. By creating needles from her nen she was able to control the birds and lead them towards Chrollo, to get her book back.

"How troublesome," she muttered to herself.

After sending the bird off towards Chrollo she had exited herself off the premises of the house to get to her office.


Her office was located in the corners of the urban hub in Yorknew. Since she had very strong and powerful clients the only ones she accepted were those who could make it through their way to her office. Her office wasn't well known as well, and if people who wanted her services had to be a hunter. The office was placed in the middle of many tall buildings in Yorknew. The complex, as she'd like to think of it, was hidden in plain sight. It was a desolate building in the middle of a swarming city.

Jumping through the many traps, Lihbi weaved her way through the first floor of the torture training. There were four floors to the building and her office was at the top. The three floors below were rented out by her associates. She three associates, each had different skill sets that she used them for. One; The cleaner, or formally known as Kiro Andre, they are the strongest out of her three associates. Their nen ability, called Infinity Die, allows them to roll anything because of the infinite possibilities, and since it is extremely unpredictable the objects are incredibly strong. Two; The tracker, or Roir Iasho, she is used to be the tracker with her nen ability, Contact, taking cards and sensing aura from any object of any person, she is able to track, contact, and read her victims. Three; The fighter, Huro Siava, because the rest of the group are specific abilities, he is a close combat specialist.

Each floor reflects the different abilities of each of them. All of them were allowed to specialize them into a maze of their choice to showcase their deadly weapons; which caused the building to be very difficult for someone to get through. Then again, it isn't impossible. By the time Lihbi had found herself in her office, there was a short blond haired man.

He was around the same height as her, possibly shorter, with feminine like features, dark black, brown eyes. There were chains on his hands that bound to his fingers and continued into the sleeves of his dress. The man was standing in the center of her office, looking out the window towards the empty street, where a cat was lying on the ground.

"May I help you?" Lihbi started.

The blonde haired man turned towards, seemingly aloof, though there was evident surprise in his eyes.

"Ah yes, My name is Kurapika, I'm looking for your services."


"What do we know about him?" asked Chrollo.

The notorious phantom troupe was sitting in a run down building. An infamous group of thieves, known to have all originated from Meteor City. A city filled with trashed separated from the rest of the world, cast aside as the junk from the government. The phantom troupe were the most powerful group known, containing some of the strongest nen users, and a complete mystery, No one knew when they were to strike, causing everyone cowards in fear of them;.

"As for what we know currently is that he uses chains as a weapon," replied Shalnark.

"So a conjurer?"

Pakunoda continued "Maybe, though they could be normal chains, we don't have enough conclusive evidence so far."

"I see, is there anything else," Chrollo questioned.

"I think Uvo might have mentioned that he was a guard," added Franklin.

"Are there any specifics for who he guarded?" Chrollo pressed.

"No, none so far," said Pakunoda.

Chrollo stood up, the troupe following in suit, he stood in front of the building and closed his book. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind, throat, to speak clearly.

"We will avenge Uvogin, take back the auction" thought Chrollo, "And we will make the chain user feel the pain of our wrath."

Chrollo turned towards the troupe, "Pakunoda, Shalnark, Kortopi, Nobunaga, find all that you can about the chain user, Machi, Franklin, Shizuku, Feitan, Hisoka, Phinks, you will be taking over the auction. While Pakunoda, Shalnark, Korotopi, and Nobunaga are going to be going after the chain user at the same time," He spoke.

"Now let's go, we have a week before the auction"


"Hello Mr. Kurapika," greeted Lihbi, "How may I help you?"

"I need help finding something,"

Lihbi's interest piqued at this statement.

"Which is? I need details, specifics, If you want me to help you then you need to tell me everything," stated Lihbi.

"I need help finding all the Scarlet Eyes of the Kurta Clan, slaughtered by the Phantom Troupe, priced at an incredibly high rate, said to be the most beautiful eyes in the world," Kurapika replied in truth, his eyes seemed to glow and darken at the same time.

Lihbi remembered this event, even if Chrollo hadn't, she vividly remembers the slaughtering, the blood on her hands, and the joy she felt. Seeing the pools of blood lying around the decapitated corpses, gushing from the neck dripping down to the dirt, she was smiling as she heard the sounds of the screams from the rest of the phantom troupe murdering the clan. She could still feel as though she still had those ruby, red eyeballs in her hands. The smell of rotting corpses and maggots, the taste of blood on her teeth, the feeling of gauging out each and every single ruby from the bodies, showing the empty sockets of the skull, leaving behind smooth flesh with blood.

Oh how she enjoyed it.

She had joined the slaughtering after having helped them find the clan, deciding to stick around, This was the first time she was hired by the troupe, or specifically Chrollo.

"I can help you with that," She smiled.

"But?" questioned Kurapika.

"I need you to help me find the string of light."

He stood frozen to the ground, feet rooted to the concrete floor office as he completely understood what she was requesting, second doubting himself for a moment.

"She is insane" he thought to himself.

The beginning was coming and soon the climax will be between them without a blink of an eye.

Note: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, it's a bit shorter than intended, but I got it to the place I wanted! I'm planning on writing the next chapter on Sunday so on Monday I might post it.

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