Chapter 1: A Night Before the End

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TW: Su*c!de

The moonlight shone on their skin as they ran across the roofs of the buildings. Every bar, every shop, every restaurant was still open in the city hub. All of the store lights brought life across the city of YorkNew as they watched the bustling urban complex to be granted with faint whispers of the people below them. The pitch darkness of the sky above them had been forgotten as they were fascinated by the luminous city below them. The twinkling lights of the shops below cast large shadows as they chased each other in a trance.

"What's taking you so long?" she giggled.

As she turned around and looked at him. Staring into his gay eyes, she tugged at his arms dragging them along with her as she danced across the edifice they stood atop. He was enamored, to say the least, looking at the girl in front of him he had nothing to say; as her green eyes glowed like a cat's at night. The way her raven locks were tucked behind her ears and flowed smoothly across her back, following her beautifully tan skin. Her body moved with such grace shoving off her perfectly toned body. She had specifically worn this dress for the occasion, before they were to say goodbye once again. He wanted to savor every single second of it; the way it moves she sways her hips, how it shows the sickly smooth skin of her thighs, or the way her breasts bounced as she carried him through the metropolis.

It was all too fast for him to take in her scent, her energy, her appearance, so once they made it to the private club he had himself back in reality. Funny to see how the phantom troupe leader had been completely wrapped around the little finger of a girl. Chrollo Lucilfer was completely captivated by a raven haired girl.

"Welcome Mrs and Mr Yamamoto," greeted the bouncer as he pulled open the curtain to the private event.

They smiled as they both entered the event looking around the seemingly familiar, dim atmosphere. As they had looked around, taking their assigned seats from the tickets, that they had previously taken from the old couple down the street, they settled into the leather cushions. Chrollo was able to pay much attention to detail of the place around him, a small stage was in front and if you looked closer you would see the faint flashing of lights behind it.

Chrollo, remembering the atmosphere, whispered into her ear, "Do you remember when we first came here, love?"

She nodded, looking behind the stage towards the hidden bar tucked into the depths of the small establishment. The place had changed quite a bit since she had first been there. Once coated with fresh paint, oxidized and the couches were as flat as wood, losing all of the plush material. There was no way for her to be able to forget the small bar, as it was the place that they had first met.

She sat on the bar stool and swirled the drink in her hand. The young adult waited in the corner of the small club observing the people. The woman was out on mission to find and to kill the phantom troupe head. Currently she was trying to gather intel on the mysterious leader, and gathered some intel that he would be at this bar tonight; so she had taken her chances.

Reaching into her pocket she took out her pocket watch to check the time, when a young man approached her. He was sinfully handsome; anyone would notice the obvious. Intrigued by the man's motives as he stood in front of her she motioned for him to sit down.

"So you're Emris," started the strange man.

"And you are?" She argued back.

"Chrollo Lucilfer, head of the Phantom Troupe, and you are?" responded Chrollo.

She was supposed to kill this man, though for a moment she had thought to give him sympathy before puncturing his neck with a needle.

She found herself replying, "Lihbi, Lihbi Forisu, so why are you here?"

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