Chapter 9: The mission Part 1

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After Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman had that huge fight the were both in the medbay. Diana was in one room while Shiera was in a different room. Bruce was sitting in the room with Diana while Hal Jordan was sitting in the room with Hawkgirl. 

About 2 and a half hours Diana finally wakes up. Diana groans a little as she slowly starts to wake up. "Diana." Bruce said. "How long was I out for?" Diana said holding her head because it hurt really bad for having her head hit multiple times. "About 2 and a half hours." Bruce said. "I wanna go home Bruce." "How about you stay at my place the rest of the day so I can keep an eye on you?" Bruce said. "Okay." Diana said. "Let me just tell the others that you woke up." Bruce said and Diana just nods. 

Bruce walks into the other medbay room and told Hal that he is taking Diana back to his place to keep an eye on her. 

"Hal, Diana woke up and I am taking her to my place to keep an eye on her." Bruce said. "Alright, I'll call you when Shiera wakes up, and Nightwing already left." Hal said. Bruce nods and goes back to the other medbay room to get Diana.

Bruce grabs Diana and carries her out of the room. Bruce puts her in the car gently and he drives off  to Wayne manor. Diana had slept the whole ride there. Just as they pulled up the mansion Diana was still sleeping so Bruce gets out of the car to carry her out. Just as he carried her Diana woke up and she just closed her eyes again and laid her head on his shoulders. 

Alfred was there to open the door for them. Alfred was worried about Diana and confused on what happened. Bruce just took her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed so she could continue sleeping. 

"I'll be back, get some rest." Bruce said as he pulled the blanket over her. Diana falls back asleep and Bruce goes down to talk to Alfred. 

"So master Bruce. What happened to Diana." Alfred said worried. "Well someone took over Shiera's body and she had attacked Diana aggressively." 

"Do you know who took over her body?" Alfred said. "No, but the people back at Justice League headquarters are taking care of that while I watch Diana."

Just as they finished talking Bruce takes a laptop with him upstairs to his bedroom so he could help find out who did this to Shiera. Bruce walks into the room quietly so that he does not wake up Diana. He sits on the bed and starts working on his laptop. 

2 hours later of Bruce working and Diana still sleeping she wakes up. She yawns turns over to her side to look at Bruce. He stops working and moves his computer off his lap. "Come here princess." Bruce said pulling his arms out a little so he could hold her. Diana then lays her head on Bruce's chest. "How is your head?" Bruce asked her as he kissed her on her forehead. "Better, much better." Diana said. 

"How is Shiera?" Diana asked. "She's fine but she is still in the medbay resting." Bruce said. "Okay, so what are we going to do for the rest of the day?" Diana asked. "I don't know we could just take a break today and sit back and relax and watch a movie or TV show if you'd like?" Bruce said. "Sure, I'd like that a lot." Diana said while looking up and smiling at him. Bruce pulls her into a kiss and they kissed a little bit. 

Bruce grabs the TV remote from his desk and turns on the TV and hands Diana the remote. "You can pick whatever you want to watch."  Bruce said. They picked something to watch and right when they were about to play the movie Bruce gets a call from Hal. 

Bruce's phone call with Hal

Bruce: Hey. 

Hal: Hey, Shiera woke up.

Bruce: Does she remember anything? 

Hal: No, she doesn't. 

Bruce: Okay, any word on who may have done this? 

Hal: Superman and Flash might think it was Gorilla Grodd. 

Bruce: Alright.

Hal: How is Diana? Everyone here is worried about her.

Bruce: She's feeling much better. 

Hal: That's good. Well I got to go. Talk to you later. 

Bruce: Alright bye. 

"Shiera woke up." Bruce said. "Do they know who did this to her?" Diana asked. "Superman and Flash might think it is Gorilla Grodd." Bruce said. "That makes sense." Diana said. 

They both start watching the movie and they continue watching movies and tv shows for the rest of the day. 

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