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Sunghoon's POV

I woke up with a ray of sunlight blinding me, as I woke up I realized that I was hugging a pillow. "Jake?!" I panicked, "No no, It couldn't have been just a dream, I searched all over the room and found no one. My tears where forming and was about to fall when my door opened, revealing "JAKE!" I bolted from the bed and took him into an embrace, I felt him hug back so I hugged tighter. I cried on his shoulder, "I thought I was just dreaming *sniff" "well, now you know, I'm not a dream" he said with a giggle.

After a lot of convincing, I finally let go of the hug. We went downstairs for breakfast, "you cook?" I asked, he just nodded and smiled "since when?" "Well, I live alone, so I had to learn how to survive" He answered.

I made my way to him and pulled him into another hug, "but you just hugged me 5 minutes ago" he whined but nevertheless hugged back "well now, you won't be alone, cause I'll never leave you again" I said to him, I then heard him giggle which made me smile. "Let's eat" he said, pulling out from the hug, I pouted but still agreed.

After eating and doing the dishes. We now sat on the couch cuddling with each other.

After some time, I heard a sob, "Jake?" He's Crying, "are you okay?" He hugged me tighter "don't ever do that to me again" I caressed his head "I promise"

"Why did you only open up now? I arrived yesterday" I said with little laugh "Shut up, you were a crying mess yesterday, so I just let you be" "I didn't cry that much, you, look at what you did, you soaked my shirt" he just laughed "well you soaked the whole bed, I even thought I drooled last night cause by pillow was wet" I just blushed and hid my face on Jake's chest to stop the embarrassment, he started giggling again and caressed my head.

"How did you even end up in the bar in the first place?" He asked, now I remember "well, when I was on my way to your house I suddenly needed to go to the rest room, so I went to the bar and bought Iced tea then went to their restroom" he just laughed at my statement, "YAHH, don't laugh" I said acting mad, he just hid my head on his chest and I can still hear him laugh, "YAHHH I SAID STOP" he just bursted out even more "you won't stop aye?" I then tickled him and it made him laugh and move around even more "S-sung-hoon S-stooop" I stopped and I can see he got tired of laughing "My jaw hurts" he said, now that made ME laugh, he just playfully smacked my shoulder and stood up,  and proceeded to walk to my guess is OUR room.

I then followed and backed hugged him while walking. We flopped down on the bed cuddling each other "Oh I almost forgot, we have to go get groceries later okay?" He said, I just nodded and continued cuddling him.

We stared at each others eyes "I love you hoonie" he said and my heart went boom hehehe, "I love you more my Jakey" then we fell asleep in each others arms.

Sawry for the short chapter, I'm really sleepy so ehe

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