Give it a try II O.W.

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It was practice day. I made my way to the quidditch pitch with Angelina and Alicia. 

"I swear you guys like each other." Angelina joked. 

"No way! he's my best friend, just like Fred, and George" I told them, they rolled their eyes at me.

We arrived at the pitch. Both Angelina and I then felt Oliver shove past us hitting us both hard on the shoulder. "Where's everyone else?" Oliver asked us as soon as he saw us. 

"Good morning to you too Oliver," I answered him throwing him a disapproving look. 

He didn't reply. I felt someone hug me from behind. "Well hello, there lady." I heard George's voice. 

I then felt other arms wrap around me. "Good morning there." I heard Fred's voice. 

"You guys are suffocating me." I laughed as I tried to push them off me. 

They finally let go. I turned around to hug them both properly. "Everybody on their brooms!" Oliver shouted. He seemed bothered. 

Angelina and I began practicing throwing the quaffle through the hoops successfully. Oliver started blocking them. Oliver was always pushing us during practices but this time he was really overdoing it. 

"Try harder!" He shouted at us all several times. 

"y/n you're playing rubbish today! Get moving!" He shouted at me, I furrowed my brows at him. 

"We're doing fine, relax Oliver." George tried to lighten the mood. 

Oliver flew down to him. Everyone turned to them both. We were all surprised at Oliver's behavior he wasn't normally this harsh. We were all distracted that no one noticed when the bludger began flying back to us. 

Just out of the corner of my eye I saw it was about to hit Oliver. The bludger was coming from above so neither George nor Oliver noticed. 

"Watch out!" I screamed as I leaned forward and flew as fast as I could towards them. I managed to push them both out the way before I felt the bludger hit my back. I fell off my broom and felt my body free-falling down a great distance. 

"y/n!" I saw Alicia and Angelina trying to fly down to catch me but then I felt my body crash onto the ground.

My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing, I tried to get up but I couldn't move my body. I managed to make out Oliver, Harry, Fred, and George coming running next to me. I felt them lift me up and then I blacked out. 

It felt like I was out for seconds but when I woke up I noticed I was now in the hospital wing and it was getting dark. I tried to sit up but felt really sore. I groaned. 

"y/n?" I heard several voices around me. Everyone was there, Fred, George, Alicia, Harry, Angelina, and Oliver. 

"What happened?" I asked a little breathless. 

"The bludger shattered your shoulder and broke your spine, but combined with the fall it caused a couple more bruises, and your blackout" Alicia explained. 

"Madam Pomfrey healed everything but she said you would feel a little sore," Angelina added. 

I nodded. "Fred, George can you help me sit up please?" I asked them. They both took one of my arms and helped me scoot up on the bed. Now I had a better view of them all. 

"y/n this is all my fault. I got distracted, I shouldn't have let this happen-" Oliver began. 

"I think we should go." I heard Alicia beside me as she gestured to everyone except Oliver to leave. 

"Nah I think I'll stay." Fred was smirking. Angelina grabbed his arm and Alicia grabbed George's and they both pulled them outside. 

I turned to Oliver. "Why did you get distracted?" I asked Oliver once I heard the door shut. 

He looked down at his feet. "Because of you." 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"I heard what you said to Angelina and Alicia. About us being just friends. I like you y/n and I have for a long time. I guess it just hurt to know how you felt about me." Oliver replied. 

I didn't know what to say for a few seconds. "I...Uhm...I... There was still no reason for you to take it out on the whole team Oli." I tried to reason with him. 

"I know I know, I'm sorry. I hate myself for letting this happen to you." He replied and I could see he was really upset. 

We stayed silent for a few minutes. "Oliver don't blame yourself... I actually like you too." I blurted out.

He looked up to meet my eyes. "What-" He whispered. 

"I like you, Oliver, I always have but I honestly was never going to tell you, I mean what if we don't work? I don't want to jeopardize our friendship Oli." I confessed to him. 

"But what if we do work? Shouldn't we at least try?" Oliver came closer. 

I looked at him still hesitant. "For Merlin's sake just kiss him already!" I heard Fred and George shout in unison from the door. 

I turned back to Oliver and grabbed his collar pulling him towards me and crashing his lips into mine. 

"I guess we can give it a try," I whispered after I pulled away.  

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