Making sense II H.G

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I walked to the Quidditch pitch to watch the Gryffindor tryouts since I was bored. I walked up to one of the towers and saw Hermione sitting alone on the opposite side. I decided to head her way. I guess that was one of the good things about being a Slytherin, I was always determined to get what I wanted. 

"What you reading this time Granger?" I shouted from a short distance now her still walking slowly over to her. 

"I don't think that's any of your business," Hermione replied annoyed. 

"Oh, c'mon. I'm sure it's fascinating." I teased her. 

"Well it's not... look why are you even here?" Hermione closed her book and eyed me angrily. 

"Well I was walking around when I saw you and I felt like coming to have a chat," I smirked.

"I don't understand you, your brother makes it his life's mission to make my life impossible, he never fails to insult me why don't you?" Hermione asked me. 

"Well Draco and I have different views on things, but by all means Granger if you'd prefer that I call you a mud blood and-" I continued. 

"NO, I mean no that's not what I want. I just don't understand why you try so hard to talk to me." Hermione muttered. 

"Well maybe if you took your eyes of those books of yours for longer it would all be clearer." I pointed out taking a seat on the row below her. 

"What?" She asked me confused. 

I sighed "You're an incredibly smart woman Granger but there are still a few things that just get past you." I laughed. 

"What d'you mean?" She asked me shifting down to sit next to me. 

"Granger, I like you. I want to get to know you, I want to go out with you, but you're impossible  to talk to." I explained. 

She opened her mouth to talk but then closed it again and just looked at me confused. 

"I get it, I'm a Slytherin and a Malfoy, I wouldn't get close to me either," I said disappointed getting up. 

"Wait." She called grabbing my hand and pushing me back down on the seat. I waited for her to speak. "You like me?" She asked me. 

"Is it so hard to believe?" I half laughed. 

"It's just, it makes no sense." She muttered to herself. 

"Why does it have to?" I asked her now getting slightly frustrated. 

" what if I agree to go out with you? What would your brother think? " Hermione asked me 

"Who cares what my brother thinks Granger. But if that really bothers you don't worry, as much as he loves picking on you I can make him stop. It might be hard to believe but he really does care for my happiness." I explained to her.

She smiled slightly. "Ok." She finished. 

I had a wide smile on my face as I got up to walk away now feeling victorious. 

"y/n wait!" Hermione stopped me one more time. This time she got up on her seat. She took a deep breath before she leaned in to give me a kiss. 

"What was that?" I asked her once she pulled away. 

"Just thought it made sense." She smiled before turning around and going back to her seat. 

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