Weird and Unheard of

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Bucky POV:

I walked towards Steve as the members of our group turned into ash and dust at our feet. I waited for my turn, certain that it was coming until it just stopped.

"Bucky," Steve called as I turned to him.

"What happened?" I asked and he fell to his knees.

"We lost." Thor whispered as he bent to pick up his axe.

"How did we lose?" I asked as the talking raccoon walked up towards us.

"We weren't strong enough." He said and it looked at him.

"Steve, say something." I said and he looked up at me.

"Lily." He got up and started running towards Wakanda.

I looked at the group around us and they nodded.

"Go Bucky." Bruce said as he walked up to Thor.

I took off in the direction Steve had run towards, passing crying and confused faces along the way.

"Steve stop!" I yelled as he ran towards the jet.

"No, I have to get back to the compound. They're alone, Bucky." He started getting things prepped to go and I grabbed his hand.

"Stop." He whirled around, ready to punch me as Nat quickly climbed on board.

"Boys just stop. I'll get you there. But both of you need to realize that a lot of people just lost their loved ones. Hell the king and his sister are gone. This place is a mess, everyone is lost and I know you need to get back to Lily Steve, but we need to wait a second. We need to regroup."

He ripped his hand from mine and stormed over to her. "Nat, I need to go right now. You don't understand I have to get back to her. What if she's....what if this happened to her." He crumbled at my feet as his words finally sank in.

"Cora...what if it's Cora too." I looked down at Steve who looked up at me.

"Okay listen I'm going to go let Bruce know what's going on. Just let me get him and we can go. I promise just give me a second."

She took off down the ramp and I collapsed into one of the chairs.

Steve looked up at me and laughed. "Cora sat there yesterday. She had the same expression on her face too." He looked back down and I laughed.

"She's always so lost in thought."

"Ha yeah it's kind of creepy sometimes."

"Creepy?" I asked and he nodded.

"She probably didn't have time to tell you. But it's something going on with them. Lily gets it too sometimes. It's like they change, become lifeless almost."

I sat up and stared at him. "Lifeless? Like I was?" I asked and he stared at me.

"Yeah exactly like that."

"Steve how often-"

"Okay guys let's go." Nat said as she climbed on with Bruce, Rocket, and Rhodey.

I didn't get a chance to ask Steve what I needed to know, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to like the answer once I did.

"LILY!" Steve screamed as he ran into the compound. I followed as he ran towards a hall and slipped into a room.

"Lily?" He called as he looked everywhere around the room. I walked in and immediately recognized the clothes on the chair as the last ones I saw Cora wearing before she left.

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