Maybe this is what we needed

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Bucky POV:

Her entire body sagged in my arms and her head fell forward. Lily tried to catch her but Steve was faster. I let her go and he gently guided her to the ground.

I quickly checked her pulse and it was strong, steady and there.

"She's okay Bucky," Lily whispered and I pulled Cora into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing the slight bruise around her neck.

"I fucked up. I shouldn't have tried to control her. I thought it might work but she saw right through it."

"I wanted to kill her." Steve said and I nodded.

"I kind of wanted to hit her in that moment too."

"How did you hit her?" Lily asked and I laughed.

"She told me she could see my every decision before I made it so I didn't make one."

Lily laughed and stood up.

"You fought her. I'm proud of you."

"Well you did tell me you would make me."

She laughed as Steve pulled her into his arms.

I stood up with Cora as we made our way to the car.

"Hey I didn't kick her too hard did I?" Sam asked and I shook my head.

"You did you part perfect, even if it was hard she needed it. I don't think talking alone was going to get through to her."

"Yeah, seems her programming is a little more intense than yours."

"Maybe, they did start so young, but to see it so active after not being used for sixteen years you'd think it would have decreased."

"Maybe this is the decrease." I stopped walking and looked at Sam, "What?"

"You might not be wrong." I said before we started walking again. I made a vow right there to get Cora to Wakanda as soon as possible.

Cora POV:

"Where am I?" I muttered as I looked around the room. It was dark, the shades were drawn and the lights were off. I looked around and noticed the bed was empty beside me. I was home. How did I get home? I closed my eyes and suddenly all the memories of what I'd done came flooding back. I clutched my head and gasped. "Lily," I whispered and tried to get up, but my legs wouldn't move. I lifted the blankets and found my ankles handcuffed together. "What the hell?" I said as the door opened. I looked up and was met with Sam.

"Hey Tyson how ya doing?"

I looked at him and sighed. "I'm okay. What's with the handcuffs?"

"The guys are on a little mission and we weren't quite sure what was going to wake up."

"Oh," I whispered before falling back on to the bed.

"It's nothing personal, but I mean you did try to kill us."

"No I tried to kill Bucky, there's a difference." I said as I glared at him.

He laughed and walked over to me. "So it's really you in there."

"Yep, just me and all this guilt." He laughed before he started digging in a drawer.

"If I let you out, you got to promise not to punch me."

"Why? Are you afraid I'll retaliate for kicking me in the back?"

He looked up from the drawer and I smiled. "Don't worry we're good."

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