Time to go

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Working at the diner was really starting to get on my last nerve. It didn't help that every single time I looked at the last seat at the counter I would see him sitting there, waiting for his daily cup of coffee with his small smile. I missed him more than I could even put into words, which made no sense because we barely had any time together. I was frustrated at myself for falling for someone I barely knew and even more frustrated at the fact that I couldn't just get over it. I was starting to take it out on the people that were kind to me and I hated that too.

"Cora," Jacob, my sometimes kind manager said as he walked out from the kitchen.

"What's up Jake?" I asked and he sighed.

"Look I don't know what's going on with you, but it's starting to really affect what you do around here. And when it starts cutting into business then it starts to become my issue you read me?"

I sighed, "Loud and clear sir."

"Is this going to be an issue Cora?" He asked as he crossed his arms and I knew. He was looking for the out.

I untied my apron from around my waist and sighed. "Yeah I got you Jake."

He took my apron as I walked past him. "Cora, I'm sorry."

"No I get it. I can't control how I'm feeling so this is a good idea. But thanks for you know not making a scene."

I pushed the doors open and made my way to the street. I didn't know what I was going to do about a job, but I was honestly glad I was done with that place. Maybe if I didn't have to be constantly reminded of Bucky I could finally move on from him. My phone rang as I started walking back home.

"Hey Lily what's up?"

"Cora it's Bucky." She whispered and I took off running.

The words on the screen made absolutely no sense. Why on earth would he expose himself like this after hiding for two years. It didn't make any sense at all. Thankfully Steve agreed with me. He believed it was a trap to lure Bucky out of hiding, but they had no idea who was doing it. He promised that he would keep us in the loop, but he had to keep his level of communication low. He was working with Sharon, who was his informant at the CIA. I knew it bugged Lily greatly that he was spending so much time with someone he liked, but after reminding her that he didn't even know about Lily's feelings for him she calmed down. We tried to keep up to date on everything going on across the world and I almost lost it when it was reported that Bucky had been taken into custody by the Government. Lily promised me that Steve would help him but I just didn't see how at this point. How the hell was he going to save him from the damn government. Without a job to distract me I started to spiral a tiny bit. My days were spent watching the news for any information while my nights were spent crying myself to sleep with worry. Lily was just as bad, but she managed to keep going to her day job in order to distract herself. The days turned into a week and we both realized that no information was going to come our way. It was horrible not knowing what was going on, with not just Bucky but Steve as well. I was worried about our friend and concerned about my sister. I could see her getting angrier and angrier as the news tore down Steve over and over again. Many nights I spent holding her because the pain in her head would get so bad from all her anger. I was reminded once again that this wasn't normal and we still needed to figure out what the hell it all meant.

It was one night when Lily was so angry I could barely get her to look at me let alone calm down that our apartment door flew open and Steve was standing there.

"Steve?" I asked as he stared at Lily.

She was staring at him, her eyes almost glowing and unresponsive. She was shaking from head to toe and I knew she was seconds away from exploding. He started to slowly cross the room and I put my hand up.

"Don't," I whispered, "I have never seen her this bad."

"What is this?" He asked and I shook my head.

"We don't know. It's always been like this. I can't get her to calm down Steve and I'm scared. I don't know what is going to happen."

He walked towards Lily, gently whispering her name as he cupped her face in his hands.

"Lily, honey come on talk to me. I'm right here. It's going to be okay."

She stared at him, but her eyes weren't seeing. I worried she was going to unleash on him when suddenly she started sobbing. She collapsed in his arms as her eyes fluttered closed.

"Lily!" He cried as he cradled her against his chest. He looked up at me, confused and concerned.

"Her head," I whispered, "Sometimes it gets too much and the pain. She's okay, just in a lot of pain."

He stared down at her as he held her.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long has this been going on?"

I waited until he looked up at me before I finally answered him. "Since forever Steve."

"And you?"

"Lily said when I'm scared or stuck in my head I get weird. I just lose myself, but I don't get the pain she does. And we don't know why."

"Who are you?" He asked as he looked back at Lily.

"We don't know." I whispered and he nodded.

"Pack some bags for her please. I need to get her out of here."

"What? Why?" I cried as he picked her up and moved to the sofa.

He gently laid her down before turning to me. "I am a wanted man now Cora. I took Bucky and we found more than I can say. But now I'm wanted and I have to go hide. I managed to save my entire team from everything, but now I have to go into hiding."

"With Lily?"

He looked back at her and sighed.

"I hope."

I watched them for a minute before taking a deep breath.

"I want to come."

He turned to me and nodded.

"Bucky said you might."

"Bucky-" I said and he nodded.

"He's okay. But he needs help. More help than I could give him. But he's somewhere safe. I promise you Cora he's going to be okay."

"Can I see him?"

He shook his head. "I can try but right now I have to focus on getting safe and if you're coming we need to do this now."

I nodded and quickly started scrambling. Within fifteen minutes I had bags packed for Lily and myself. Steve gathered her in his arms and we left. We disappeared into the night and I knew in that second that everything was going to be alright

My Soldier, Her CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now