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Wilf and Eddie seemed to be deep in their own world for a while. They seemed to be completely unaware of what was going on behind them. Wilf and Eddie slowed as they approached a large, colourful room. They stopped outside the door of the room, turning around to look at Robert and Howard, smiling softly.
"This is the rec room. Basically, in here, we can socialise, watch tv shows and movies, play games and stuff like that," Eddie beamed as Wilf gestured towards the room. Wilf's smile seemed to be shaky, but slowly gaining confidence. Robert and Howard poked their heads into the room briefly, taking in all they could as quickly as they can before pulling their heads out of the room quite quickly.
"The room is beautiful," Howie murmured through a heavy breath.
Robert smiled warmly, his eyes open and happy. He tilted his head to the side almost like a robot. He made a few hmph and grunting noises.
"Don't be," Wilf said softly. "It's not your fault."
Robert smiled softly. "Thanks, mate."
The two smiled at each other before Wilf and Eddie turned around and began to walk away, Robert and Howard following after them down the hallways. This time, they didn't stop for many of the rooms on the way through.

As the four of them walked through the hallways, Wilf gestured to doors and rooms as they walked through the corridors as Eddie talked about them.
"That's a bathroom."
"That's an art room."
"That's another art room."
"That's another bathroom."
"Down here we have a few reading nooks slash mini libraries."
"Down this corridor, we also have more art rooms mixed with some reading rooms."
"We have some home economics rooms. Basically, we just do cooking in there."
"We have some technology rooms. Basically, we just do some creating type things in there with the likes of wood and electronics and stuff. We can then take them to one of the art rooms and add stuff like paint to it if we so desire."
"This corridor is mostly just school classroom rooms. Those are to help us with school and to teach us stuffs that aren't in the other rooms."
"This corridor has some therapy rooms down here. Somewhat self-explanatory but we just do therapy in those rooms."

And that went on for a while until they got to the bedroom part of the tour.
"We have all of the bedrooms down here. Everyone's names are on their doors and some people share rooms. But you don't actually have to share a room if you don't want to." Eddie said as the group pulled up to the bedroom section. Eddie and Wilf turned and started to walk down the hallway. They didn't stop until they reached a room with a warm brown door, and an empty plaque type thing on the door.

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