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"You're ok to continue?" Eddie asked the general group, recieving nods and words of confirmation from the three in front of him. He nodded, turned on his heels, scooped Wilfred's hand in his own and started walking again. Wilfred kept his eyes on the floor, trusting Eddie to guide him through the hallways. Robert and Howard glanced at each other. Robert felt horrible, even despite it not actually being in his control. Howard smiled at Robert, hoping it made it feel better. It did. But not by masses of amounts. Returning his father's smile, Robert moved his glance towards the two boys ahead of them. Catching up wasn't going to hard if they began now. Robert and Howie set off after the two boys head, slowing down once they were close enough. They were able to hear the tail end of whatever the two boys were talking about.
"Give him a moment to settle in. We'll be able to find a way to help him. I'm sure," Eddie murmered to Wilf. Robert noticed that Wilf nodded and heard as he murmed his reponse to Eddie.
"I really hope that we can help him. He seems like a lovely boy and it seems to hurt him. Lets help him."
Robert felt himself blush as his gaze fell to his feet as he walked. For a few moments, he watched his feet as they moved one after the other. He watched as his feet moved him along the corridor for a while. Robert blocked out the rest of the world for a moment as he got lost in his thoughts, walking down the corridor behind everyone else.

Here he was with this boy who he had very nearly hit across the face saying he wanted to desperately help him. Granted, the fact he had nearly slapped this boy was completely out of his control. Something he hadn't meant, something his brain had accidentally commanded. His brain misfired. That was all. Wilf was unharmed and everyone still seemed to like him. That was perfect because he desperately wanted to get on with these boys. He needed for this experience to be as smooth as possible. This was going to be an adventure. It was going to be fine. He was going to be fine. Everything was going to be fine.

"Robbie? Robbie? Robbie? Robbie?"
The calling was becoming increasingly more frantic.
"Robert? Robert?"
"Hhmm?" Robert said as he frantically blinked, turning to look at his father.
"You were starting to breath heavy and your eyes were glazed over. I just - I was getting worried," Howard smiled softly, relief seemed to overwhelm his face as his son smiled warmly, his breathing returning to normal.
"It's ok dad. Everythings ok," Robert said softly, his smile warm.
Howie nodded, calmer now, turning to look in front of him. "I love you kiddo." Howie mumbled, his eyes going slightly glassy.
"I love you too Dad."

Sorry this is a short chapter. I figured it was still a nice chapter and I wanted to get something out for the story. Sorry its taken forever to update. School got pretty hectic and really busy.

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