chapter two the meeting

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Autumn hadn't slept much that night, she didn't leave her den. Autumn did stare at her reflexion at one point, lost in that moment of her thoughts that only she could hear.

Autumn thought she was indifferent to the rest from her sisters and mother, she looked apon most fairies with envy and sometimes jealous not that Autumn knew what these feeling actually were or understood, Autumn knew that fairies didn't feel those feeling and it was wrong.

Autumn was born within the Autumn seeding, her hair was a golden blonde colour and though her hair was not straight down, it curled tightly around itself fell nicely sitting on along her ribs. Her skin was more olive like the rest, Autumn spent most her time outside in her lavender field, making sure it was healthy and ready for harvest. She loved the smell of lavender also even more so the bright purple colour of lavender itself was beautiful to her. Her eyes though were different, most normal colours but not hers, Autumn eyes were in fact an Autumn orange colour, bright in light and shined so fearlessly. 

Autumn knew she was different but she never longed to be like the rest of her sisters, she wanted to prove to her Queen she could be more than just a field fairy.

Once Autumn had seen the sun come up, she went into the clearing, as she started the walk to her lavender field, she saw Queen Rina standing where hers sister had laid yesterday.
Queen Rina felt one of her children behind her, she looked and saw her daughter Autumn behind her, Autumn smiled and Rina reach her hand to her hoping she would come forward to her and Autumn did. She took the Queen hands feeling the softness of Queen Rina skin.

"I am meeting someone who I hope will help"Queen Rina spoke breaking the silence between the two fairies, Autumn looked at her queens face carefully, noting her eyes had dimmed a little, her forehead created lines from worrying. Autumn almost fell to her queen feet then and there.

"you must not travel alone, I will go and help" Autumn questioned the queen worried for her safety, the queen was the most important part of all of them, no harm should/could ever fall onto her. The queen watched with love how Autumn worried over her, how Autumn hand gripped a little tighter when she was worried, the queen smiled kindly to Autumn stroking her face comforting her softy and privately between the two. Rina had heard her two warrior fairies coming, she put her hand down and kissed Autumn face stepping back.

"You make sure our lavender is perfect this year, I will be with two of our strongest fighter fairies" Rina saw them coming then, they would leave now to meet the Alpha.  Her warrior fairies were strong, strong in spells and built more muscular than the rest.

Autumn saw the Queen was dressed, in a long royal pink dress, wearing clothes was not the norm, Autumn realised the queen was meeting someone not from here, even the warriors had there chest and private parts covered.

The Queen walked off then, the two warriors behind her closely, Autumn was curious then, she longed to follow, she wanted to see but it was dangerous but Autumn wanted to know what had happened, she longed to help if needed, 2 warriors didn't seem like enough. Autumn ran back to her den and grabbed some clothing she had once made. Autumn believed these clothes were what people wore outside, the gown she placed across her body was transparent, completely see through, with was tied around her body with a piece of old leather. 

Autumn followed along, when she once reached the clearing, she knew the magic stopped here, she had never gone this far, once she stepped into the forrest she was in man land, she would be in danger her Queen was out there though, Autumn couldn't of not done it.

Autumn stepped over the line, waiting for something big to happen, she waited for something to grab her something to kill her but nothing, she'd thought shed feel different like walking from the sun to dark had done nothing to her.
Autumn let it slide, running to where the Queen had gone and you know how she knew, the tree were telling her, leading the way for her, she had asked the trees to let her know if anger was near, to warn her.

Autumn followed behind, she couldn't see the queen but she knew she was close, Queen Rina wouldn't see her. Autumn realised Queen Rina had stopped ontop of a hill, she watched Queen Rina look down, watching something the warriors looked on guard at this moment, Autumn stayed low, keeping her ear to the trees and her hand in the mud. 
Queen Rina went down the hill then, leaving Autumn sight. Autumn slowly walked to the hill staying with the tree line and hiding behind a tree pecking out from the tree to see Queen Rina and a very large wolf, Autumn  had reach about such beast once, large animals called wolves, deadly animal who hunt in packs and killed cruelly. Autumn stomach turned, almost feeling dizzy had the Queen gone to ask these monstrous creature for help.

For now Autumn just waited, waited and watched for her Queen ready to step in at any moment.

Grange had been to the clearing long before he was asked, he had brought along his Gamma wolf, waiting for this 'Queen Rina' His gamma Victor stayed in wolf form, dark grey in colour, loyal in character. Grange had spoken to his beta and gamma, asking for their advice there council for this matter, Grange had told them about the blood and question how his gut told him that this was true and important.

Grange had left his Beta in charge, taking his 3rd with him who was once his strongest warrior.Grange used his wolf hearing to listen out, careful this wasn't in fact a trap.

He smelt it in, honey and flowers and something else he couldn't put in into words but if he had he would say it spelt like magic, Victor next to him spelt it to, standing behind the Alpha. 
Grange saw them then, a Beautiful creature stood at the top of the hill, she moved slowly and flowed with the wind as she came down, she watched as her hair blow in the wind. He noticed two other woman behind her, he noticed they were different to but the first woman he could smell the power off her, noting she was the queen Rina he was waiting for.

She didn't get to close to him, she kept her distance from him, she was just as standoff ish has he felt, no body spoke at first.
"Alpha Grange "She spoke, yes she was indeed royalty she had that voice that royal held and the way she held her head up high she wasn't scared to look him in the eye not like the two woman behind her who watched Victor with violent eyes.

"I have come at your request. But I have some questions of my own"  Grange admitted, he now did have more questions than answers.

"I will answer all" Grange nodded to her statement and waiting for her to begin.

"My name is Queen Rina,  I am the Queen of the Rays of Hills Kingdom. Fairies more so" Victor made a sound next to Grange then maybe thinking the same thing as him

"Fairies have longed but died off"Grange stated a fact he had always been told.

"We have been in hiding, almost dead from vampires century ago and now our numbers have grown once again, this is not the only hidden Kingdom. But we are under attack" Grange ears listen closely then, he was trying to take  all this important in, Fairies were real but hiding. Grange had read many things about fairies very sexual and sensual creature, that capture the opposite sex and well held them as prisoners but yeah group sex Grange had read, now a Queen stood before him.

"by whom ?" Grange question her, every question he asked the two woman behind grew more tense, the smell of them strong, the queen in front of me looked back and them and nodded her head slowly. They both calmed and sat down behind the queen, could they speak without spoken word like us wolves?

"Vampires" the word lingered in the air like vemon.
"I have laid many of my children to rest in the last few months, we need greater protection" Queen Rina voice was more now, the desperate need in her voice filled the air, I could almost feel Victor feel sorry for her beside me. I didn't blame him, a beautiful creature pleading to help the monster in us  found this almost turning on.

"You want help?" Grange asked again, Queen Rina stared at him deadly for a moment.

"Do you realise what will happen to you wolves if the Vampires get a hold of us?"  the statement that Rina said, cut deeply into the air, leaving no question for anyone who was standing there, both Queen Rina and Alpha Grange knew that neither of them wanted to find out.

So they decided to come up with a plan, to help the both of them in the end, Queen Rina just hoped her children would forgive her.

Alpha Grange couldn't help but wonder what that strong lavender smell was clouding his wolf was.

Autumn wished the tree spoke better English so she knew what they were saying better.

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