Meeting The Belladonna's. And Sun Wukong

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"Hey Blake, he looks like he could be your brother."

"Shut up Sun."

"....What did you say?"

"Um....That you could be Blake's Brother? Possibly?"

"Hn....We do have the same eyes. Along with various other similarities "

"Are you trying to insinuate that my wife has done something behind my back that produced this offspring?" Glaring at Sun


"And if he is? Who is to say he could be wrong? Kali Belladonna, you hold the information that must be sought. Only you and you alone."

"Okay, what makes you think that MY mother would know anything about your parents?"

".....Tell me, what was it like, having a mother and father? What was it like? Having them make you feel better? Tell me, and then you will find your answer, Blake. Now then, Kali, tell me this once, do you know where my parents are?"

"......."Sweating, Kali looked away from Odin, not desiring to look at him or answer his question.

"Kali....Answer my question please."

"She doesn't have to answer if she doesn't-" A sword was held at Blake's throat. 

Ghira, hardly noticing the boy move, did not make any sudden movements and neither did sun.

"You have no business in my business. Stay quiet, and your soul will not leave your body. Fail, and this home will be painted red."

"............." Blake was silent and remained that way after Odin put his blade away.

"...Kali...Do you know where my parents are? It's my purpose to find them and ask them why was this child abandon and raised by the Lighting and thunder tribe of the Hetherlands."

"Whoa...You come from the Hetherlands?! Hardcore!"

"Sun! This isn't the time to be impressed!"

"But I am blake! This guy came from the Hetherlands and lived to tell the tale?! How cool is that?!"

"Cool? You call it cool? Imagine yourself fighting those can wield the natures elements. Imagine your blood being bend and not having any control over your body when encountering a water bender when the moon is full, imagine that without the powers of Psychokinesis, you would have killed the foster mother who raised you and the people of your village that you could call your friends. Your brothers. Your sisters. Tell me, how cool does that sound now?!"

"........Not cool at all?"

"...You chose right."

"......Kalieb....." All eyes were on Kali. "That was the name of the child. He was the child that was given birth 2 years after Blake. At that time, a lover of mines before I met you Ghira, was a loner and still attended Beacon Academy. Heat came. And I did what I did. And I carried the child for 9 months. When the child was born, I wrapped him in cloths, but him in a little boat, and sailed him away. Thinking that the child would die that way. I did this because what I did with the one I use to love was wrong. And he didn't deserve to know that there was a child made not out of love, but of the heat of the moment. I never wanted the child, and I cleansed myself from ever doing such an act like that again." Sighing she went on to say, "Ghira....You were gone, fighting for the white fang, I was in heat and I didn't know what to do. I went to the one person that could help me, and this is his son. You were named Odin by the woman who raised you, but I named you Kalieb. It is the fused name of mine, and your fathers. Caleb."  

The Silver Eye Samurai And The Lost Brother Of Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now