Plan In Motion

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One Week Later, waiting for Vernal and Raven, Cinder, Watts, Emerald, and Mercury.

They kept their word and arrived one week later as promised.

After a while, one of the tribesmen gave the signal, and from there, beheading.

Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Watts, beheaded, their heading rolling on the ground and their bodies collapsed to the ground.

Appearing, Luke and Caleb, blades covered in blood, looking over the deposed victims. "That was too easy, father."

"Indeed Luke. It was too easy. But that is to be expected because not everyone is trained in every art. Very rare you come across someone who is skilled in stealth."

"Not bad boys." Approaching them while her tribesmen cheered for the father and son samurais

"Thanks Raven. Now open a portal so I can dragged the kids back from making a mistake."


Without warning.

Somewhere in Mistral. 







They were brought to the Branwen tribe. 

Looking around. 

Wondering what happened. 

Yang approached her mother. 

She said to her, "What's the meaning of this mom?! Don't tell me you're afraid that we'll succeed where you...." Pausing she saw the beheaded Cinder and team being carried to a burial site far from the Branwen camp. "......What happened...?"

"I'm so glad you asked Yang." Caleb got the kids and Qrow's attention, "We need to talk. All of us. And it's about this so-called defeating Salem."


"Been a while Qrow. Nice to see you're still alive, though, with your semblance, you should have been dead a long time ago."

".....Hahaha-very funny."


"So....Unlocking the vaults, we would need the spring maiden to do so?"

"Yes Ruby. And Raven, Yang's mother, is the spring Maiden. Which means that you would need Raven in order to unlock the vault. Hidden in Haven, and that was something Cinder knew too, which was why she came to Raven. She planned to use Raven to reach the vault before you guys did and then after Raven's work was done, she was going to kill her. And Vernal."

"But how'd you know that?"

"It doesn't take someone long enough to find out when they're services are no longer needed."

"And you killed them?"

"Myself and My son. This is Luke. Luke Yasuke. Luke, this is Qrow. He's another of my old friends. He wore a skirt one time to school because he lost a bet."

"He wore a skirt?!"

"That was ONE TIME Caleb!"

"One was all it took for your picture to be in the Beacon Student paper!" Laughing

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