The Beginning

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Listen to our tales of Remnant...

In a time before time.

Summer rose.

Before she was the mother of ruby rose, she was a normal silver eyed girl that attended Beacon Academy.

Apart of Team STRQ=Summer[herself]-Taiyang-Raven-Qrow, Leader and a damn good one at that, Summer had an interest in Taiyang.

While also being in love with Qrow and then a faunus named Caleb.

Caleb was an ape faunus, discriminated?



Who in their right mind would challenge a samurai?

Caleb was a Samurai and a damn good one at that.

He was a lone wolf, meaning he had no teammates.

Friends with Summer, Rivals with Raven, and bromances with Qrow and Taiyang.

It was broken the moment Caleb saw Summer broken hearted.

Rather than running to him, she ran to Qrow. Understandable.

After all at this time he was in a distance relationship with Kali.

That was done in a month because Kali found someone better than Caleb.

Brokenhearted, Caleb abandoned Beacon Academy and continued down the path of the Samurai.

Believing to be cursed from Birth, he remained hidden and did his dealing of righteousness in the dark.

7 years later, When Yang was seven and Ruby was five, Summer got her dream and married Taiyang Xaiolong.

But there was nothing there between them.

Knowing that she stole Tai from Raven and living with the guilt and even tried to date Qrow at the same time she was married, Summer used her powers to find the one person she could express herself to, without feeling any regret or hurt.


Finding him in Mistral, living in a hut by waterfalls and rivers, Summer did the deed with Caleb.

And remained missing for 9 months.

Then came the birth of the son of Caleb and Summer.

When this baby was born, he was given no name.

Summer Rose named him, Luke. Luke Caleb Rose.

Caleb, smiling at the name, hugged his son and Summer.

The Silver Eye Samurai And The Lost Brother Of Blake BelladonnaWhere stories live. Discover now