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This is the epilogue of "The End of A Beginning: A Christopher Velez Fan-Fiction"
Thanks to everyone who supported this story! Lovelots!

— Angeline BRP —

After breakfast, everyone went to their rooms to prepare for their check-out.
CNCO will be going to have a one-week vacation in Palawan. And the boys just couldn't wait to go island hopping and show off their topless bodies.
Christopher was busy preparing his things to get packed up while Angeline knocked on his door to help him get prepared.

Angeline: Babe? Do you need any help?

Christopher gave her a big smile and shook his head.

Christopher: Ah no need babe. I'm almost done.
Angeline: Hmm, okay.

Angeline sat down on the couch and just watched over Christopher.
After several minutes, Christopher finished packing his things up. He sat down beside Angeline.
He looked at Angeline straight in her eyes.

Angeline: Hey! Don't look at me that way!
Christopher: Why? Your eyes are beautiful. And I regret making you hurt and cry yesterday. I'm sorry, babe. I hope you will forgive me...
Angeline: Shhh! It's okay, babe... Don't worry about it, okay?
Christopher: But how can I not worry? I will treat you better now, I promise.

Angeline smiled at Christopher. She hugged him so tight.
Christopher hugged her back.
Angeline let go of the hug when she remembered something.

Angeline. By the way, babe, I'll show you something.
Christopher: Hmm? What is it?

Angeline took something from her bag. Christopher was surprised when he saw what it was.
It was his toy car that he had given Angeline on the last day he saw her, fifteen years ago.

Angeline: Remember this?
Christopher: That's my toy car! Wow! I can't believe you kept it for quite a long time!
Angeline: Of course. I kept it because it was the only memory left I had with you... Because we don't have any pictures together when we were younger.
Christopher: Yeah...

Angeline handed Christopher the toy car. Christopher accepted it.

Angeline: Remember when you gave that to me? You said that you would give it to me so that I won't forget you... I didn't forget about you, babe. It's just that... I don't know...

Christopher pulled Angeline for a hug when he saw tears forming from Angeline's eyes.

Christopher: Please... Don't cry again. I don't want to see you crying. I love you so much, babe. And thank you for everything.
Angeline: I'm just emotional. I just cannot believe that we will meet again after a very long time. And that toy car always reminds me of you.

Christopher gave him a teasing smile.

Christopher: But can I have this back, babe? It's my favorite one, remember?

Angeline rolled her eyes at Christopher.

Angeline: No way! I kept that for fifteen years! I  remember my cousin was asking me to give this to him, but I didn't let him.
Christopher: Awwww hahahaha! Why, though? You should've given it to him instead.
Angeline: My goodness!

She got annoyed. Angeline stood up. She was about to walk away when Christopher grabbed her wrist.

Christopher: Hey, babe! Where are you going? I was just teasing you...

Angeline went back to his seat with a frowning face.

Christopher: Hey?

Angeline didn't look at him. Christopher cupped her face and caresses Angeline's cheeks.

Christopher: I love you very much, babe.

Angeline's face blushed. She smiled.
Angeline. I love you more...

Christopher could wait no more and kissed Angeline on her lips.
His heart was full of love for Angeline. He was genuinely happy.
It was still clear to his memories all that happened for the past fifteen years without Angeline.

Christopher: Mamá? I want to go to the Philippines. I want to follow Angeline there.
Mom: Awwww Chris. We don't have enough money to follow them there.
Christopher: But mamá, I miss her!
Mom: Chris, please listen to mamà, we cannot go there easily as what you think of...
The eight-year-old Christopher was crying for he was missing his best friend. And there was his mom comforting and calming him down.
Every day for six months, Christopher would ask his mom if Angeline had called her. But his mom always tells him the same thing, that she was not receiving any calls from Angeline.
Not long after, Christopher and his mom had to go to their home country, Ecuador when they received a call from their relatives that   His grandfather was ill.
Christopher's mom took care of his grandfather and then found a stable job to provide for the needs of their family.
And Christopher as well grew up, helping their family. He was balancing his studies and his job at the same time.

Mom: Chris? Look! What time is it? Why are you still awake, my love?
Christopher: Mamá, I'm not yet finished. But I promise I'll go to sleep after this.
Mom: But you can just work on that tomorrow because it's Saturday, right?
Christopher: Mamá, I go to work on Saturdays, remember?

And for those long years, he was the one finding ways to find Angeline but he failed. As much as he wanted to send Angeline letters and gifts, he didn't know Angeline's address in the Philippines. So he was saving the money he was getting from his job to go back to the USA.
And Christopher didn't give up searching for Angeline. When he was nineteen, he went back to the US using all the money he had saved for the hope that Angeline came back.
He went back to Angeline's house which was beside his, but only there was the caretaker of the house.

Christopher: Good morning! This is is Christopher. I am Angeline's best friend. May I know if you have updates on where she is now?
Caretaker: Oh! Angeline, her sister, and her mom did not go back here since they left.
Christopher: So they aren't with their dad?
Caretaker: Angeline's dad is in Ohio with his new family. But I don't know if they have moved to another place since I haven't talked to him for many years now.

Christopher was losing hope. It hurts for him knowing that he could no longer find any other ways to find Angeline. Christopher finds a job in the USA. He was doing this for he was planning to go to the Philippines, but the money that he was getting from his job wasn't enough to go there. Plus he was sending most of his allowance he gets from his job to his mom and grandfather to Ecuador.
He could admit that he had fallen in love with Angeline at a young age. At first, he thought that it would be just a simple childhood crush, but as time goes along, he realized that what he felt for Angeline was more than a crush.
And he would do everything to fulfill the promise he and Angeline made on the last day they saw each other.

Mom: My son, when are you going home? Mamá misses you so much!
Christopher: I'm not sure mamá. I have no money left here. I'm sorry.
Mom: I will send you money...
Christopher: No, mamá. It's my responsibility. I'll go back home too soon. I promise.

A big opportunity came for Christopher. He became one of the members of a Latino band which was named CNCO.
The band became famous inside the country and internationally. Also in CNCO, he found a new family wherein they treat each other as brothers. And were there to support each other personally and professionally.
Their music had spread all over the world,    and for that reason, Christopher was hoping that Angeline was looking after him as a member of CNCO and so proud of him.
His mother told him that he must move on and take somebody to be his girlfriend. He dated some girls whom his friends introduced him to. But for Christopher, Angeline was the only one he wanted for his life.

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