Chapter 1: Reunited

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Hola! I dedicate this chapter to Journey CNCOwners, Circle of Friends, and most especially to my baby girl, Claize who is celebrating her 18th birthday today.She was my co-author for After 15 Years, the sequel of this story.
Happy birthday, dearest Claize! Love you as always!
Also, today, February 24, marks 4 years since I got a huge crush on my love, Christopher Velez. Happy 4th year anniversary! To more years of kilig!


Angeline was very happy to see her long-lost best friend again after a very long time. She couldn't believe that Christopher recognized her after many years despite the fame that the guy got.
Her long-lost best friend, Christopher Velez belongs to a famous Latino boyband called CNCO and the band came to the Philippines for a concert.
Angeline was watching   Christopher as he walks away going to the front desk  to ask for assistance.
She was talking to herself with a big smile on her face.

Angeline: It's really him.

She suddenly remembered those times when she and Christopher were only kids. They would play at each other's house with their toys. She laughed to herself when she remembered when she dressed Christopher up like a girl and played. She smiled upon recalling those times. She missed those moments very much. She couldn't wait to be with Christopher again, even though she knew that the guy was in the country just for his concert.
And since Angeline couldn't wait to talk to Christopher again, she walked towards Christopher and tried to catch his attention.

Angeline: Hi.

Christopher just looked at Angeline and then turned back to the lady assigned at the front desk.
Angeline was surprised at how Christopher acted. But she thought that maybe Christopher was not yet done talking to the staff there.

Christopher: Thank you, miss.
Staff: You're very much welcome sir. Please don't hesitate to ask for our assistance if ever you experience maintenance problems again.

Christopher just smiled at the staff at the front desk. The staff blushed and smiled back.
Christopher walked away and  Angeline walked after him.

Angeline:   Hey! Chris! Wait! Please talk to me.

Christopher stopped walking and so as Angeline. He looked at Angeline with a blank face.

Christopher: What do you want? I still have things to do.

Angeline suddenly felt nervous. She cleared her throat and answered the guy, but in a very low voice. She thought to herself that maybe Christopher was just tired and sleepy after the long flight from Miami going to Manila. So she chose to understand the situation, even though half of her heart was already hurting.

Angeline: Um, Can we talk later?
She was hoping that Christopher would say yes. But the guy just raised his eyebrow.

Christopher: No. I can't. We have rehearsal. Tell it now instead.

Angeline couldn't believe Christopher. Little by little, she would already discover the truth why Christopher suddenly acted differently.
Christopher wasn't just tired nor sleepy, but something else she didn't want to discover.

Angeline: Um. What about after the concert? It won't take long. Please...

She badly wants  to talk to the guy. She was still hoping that she would convince Christopher to talk to her.
But Christopher just shook his head.

Christopher: No. I can't either. If you can't say it now, I shall go.

Angeline couldn't say any word.
She was right. Christopher was disappointed at her for not communicating with him for many years.

Christopher: If you may excuse me, miss.

Christopher was about to walk when Angeline pulled his shoulder to stop him.
Christopher shall hear her explanation.

Angeline: My bestie! I'm sorry. I know I should've contacted you. Please, give me time to explain myself.
Christopher: Stop making excuses, Angeline!

And he accidentally pushed Angeline that caused the girl to fall.
Angeline's eyes were in tears. Although she knows that it was just an accident, but for her, it hurts a lot. She thought that her best friend, Christopher missed her, too, but maybe she was wrong and was just assuming on that one.
Angeline was more shocked when she saw a really familiar guy threw a punch on Christopher's left face. She froze and was just standing there when she recognized who the familiar guy was. She didn't know what to do.
It was Miguel.

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