Chapter 6

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The next few days went agonisingly slow. Quidditch tryouts were a disaster but I somehow still made the team. To be fair, I think that may just be because I am the best seeker Slytherin has ever seen. I was delighted to let the Malfoy's know and thank them for their help so I went straight back to the dorm that night and wrote to Lucius and Narcissa and sent the owl before going to detention, hoping it would cheer them up about mine and Draco's unfortunate incident.

Detention hadn't been THAT bad... for the first day... but then I think we began to get a bit cabin feverish. I wanted to use detention to get in some extra studying but Draco did not and did every attempt to flirt and annoy me so Dad had to watch us argue like an old married couple at least two times a day.

I haven't been able to get my Dad's words out of my mind about Draco and, as much as I try to enjoy my time with him, with every laughter... the words rumble through my mind and cause my head to pound.

We sat in detention on Friday and I was attempting to finish my defence against the dark arts homework, while Draco continued to relentlessly bug me by repeatedly poking me in the side.

"Come on, love..." Draco whined. I sighed and closed my eyes, gripping my pen tightly.

"I swear to Salazar... poke me in the side again and I will kick you so hard in the balls you will see stars" I say through gritted teeth.

Draco backs off slightly and tries to hide a smirk "Wow, y/n... bit much"

"I'm being serious, Draco... I'm trying to work." I lecture him and sigh, resting my face on my arm which is propped up on my desk.

"Yeah... that's all you ever seem to do" Draco tries to joke but the undertone completely kills my mood.

"Because we're in our final year of school and I want to get good grades" I scowl at him, glaring at him slightly "Some of us have expectations to live up to"

Draco scoffs at this comment and shakes his head. I see Dad look up from marking papers and look our way momentarily before going back to his work. I ignore this and grab Draco's chin, forcing him to look at me.

"Maybe... if you actually worked hard... you could also be destined for success" I teased him, smirking and narrowing my eyes.

Draco smirked at my cheekiness and shakes his head "I'll never have to work a day in my life... and neither will you from the day we get married"

I raise an eyebrow at him and push my tongue against my teeth "Bold of you, Mr Malfoy"

"Anything for you... Mrs Malfoy" Draco laughs slightly.

I laugh at this and the moment is ruined by the clearing of my Dad's throat.

"As... distastefully weird... as it is that you are planning your pre-nuptials in detention, you still have work to do" Dad warns us and I roll my eyes, removing my hand from Draco's chin and picking up my quill again.

Draco sighs and shakes his head "Plus if all goes well for me... I won't be wasting my time anywhere near the ministry in the future in some dead-end job. I can tell you that for sure." he tells me in a whispered tone "More avoiding them if anything"

I furrow my brows in confusion and look in his direction "What does that mean when it's at home?"

Draco shakes his hand at me submissively "Nothing... it's fine"

Once again Dad's words from the other day rang through my head and the moment was ruined. My mood turned sour. I didn't know what any of these passing comments meant and, to be fair, I didn't have the courage to ask. It was a scary thought that I didn't truly know the person I was dating but I loved him beyond all reason and opinion and I think the terrifying thing was... there wasn't much that I wouldn't stay by his side for... but naturally I remained scared. But love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own and, despite everything we have been through, I want to see Draco happy and safe more than anything in this world.

The love you give meKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat