Chapter 1

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London - 9:45am - 1st September 1997

The sun rose above the suburban neighborhood just on the outskirts of London as long, white terrace houses sat one by one with tiled staircases leading up to them. The sun left an amber glow on the front of the houses and birds tweeted quietly. I lay in bed till my door swung open and my curtains flung open in a flash, leaving me blinded by the morning sunshine. I groan and hold my arms up as a reflex defense. Louisa Snape stood there in a turtle neck jumper and flared black pants.

"Up Y/N! It's 9:45 come on!" she groaned.

"Alright alright, Mum... I'm up" I sighed and climbed out of bed, turning round and making it slowly. I looked around the room at the green and nature themed bedroom that had been stripped of all my posters that were now safely away in my trunk. I looked over the skyline of the city as the sun rose and the morning flights took off over the horizon. We could live somewhere so much more grander than this, but this is closer to work for Mama and I love the city so its not all that bad.

I got changed into a turtle neck just like Mama's and matched it with a skirt and tights and slipped my pumps and trench coat on before going downstairs into the kitchen.

"My little witch is going to finish Hogwarts!" Mama fussed and squeezed my cheeks which I pulled away from and groaned "If you pass your N.E.W.T.S!" her tone turned stern and I just rolled my eyes.

Isn't this meant to be the one woman who had faith in me.

Mama looked offended "Erm I do!" she said in a high pitched tone.

Damn it... forgot Dad taught her legilimency.

"I will pass! Don't worry" I say in protest, Mama doesn't look too convinced.

"Anyway... I have to go" I continue before flicking my jacket and going into a ball of deep black smoke before reappearing in the hall with Mama behind me.

"Stop flying around the house! And don't be doing that at Hogwarts either... Dark forces created that ability" Mama shakes her head, she still denies the fact that there used to be dark forces at work in the Wizarding world yet doesn't seem to stop going on about it... I try to block it out.

I fixed my watch as I shook my head slightly "Yes but I gained it from my father... there's a difference"

Mama fixed my jacket and fussed unnecessarily as if it was my first year, not my last "Yes sweetheart, but people don't understand that" she said softly.

I muttered at her... I don't like the fact people don't think highly of my father but I have to remind myself that other people don't see him in the same way I do. I check my watch, an hour till the train leaves and I am still on the other side of London to Kings Cross.

"I gotta go... love you" I pick up my trunk and kiss Mama on the cheek.

"Okay but transport not magic and say hi to your father for me... oh and DO NOT HAVE ME SENDING HOWLERS THIS YEAR FOR MERLIN'S SAKE Y/N!" Mama yells after me as I run out of the house and smirk, grabbing my green and silver tie as I leave and make my way to the tube station and across London to Kings Cross.

10:45 am - Kings Cross Station - London

I rush into Kings Cross pushing my luggage trolley and passing the bustling crowds of morning commuters and over to Platform 9 before looking round and dashing at the wall and appearing on Platform 9 ¾ and finally taking my wand and robes out of my trunk and slipping the robe on and the wand into my pocket before closing the trunk again and handing it to a conductor to load onto the train. I looked around and saw everyone being wished off by their families, mainly younger ones, however Molly Weasley was there like the ever doting mother she is wishing off Ron, Ginny and Harry like every year. She looked in my direction and shot me what I can only describe as a sympathetic smile and a short wave which I returned and walked down the platform.

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