Chapter 4

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After dinner that night, I absentmindedly wandered back to the dungeons with the note still clutched in my hand and the words engraved into my brain.

What on earth would anyone want with me and why did it have to be so secretive?

I fumbled with the parchment in my hand and Draco slid in behind me as I plodded down the staircase.

"Put that away before people start asking questions" He whispers. I look up at him and sigh, placing the note in my robe pocket.

"Maybe we shouldn't go" I tell Draco as he opens the common room and we walk in followed by other students.

He shakes his head dismissively at me and sighs, "We have to now. Plus they clearly want something... whatever that may be."

"But if we get caught and someone sees us out. Come on... you and I both know we haven't got the best record. And if my Dad finds out-" I panic to Draco before he cuts me off.

"He won't think anything of it because he knows now... right?" Draco asks, looking at me. I avoid his gaze and it goes awkwardly quiet.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, Y/N!" Draco yells aspirated "What did the two of you even talk about yesterday then?" he quizzes me.

"Summer and my mother! Which, by the way, led to us talking about when I ran away so we did talk about you but Draco came on! He doesn't like you after what happened. It's just going to take longer than an hour or so to make sure he doesn't lose his cool because he practically forbade it last night!" I lecture Draco.

"Well if he forbade it, then why are we doing this?! Why are we still together then?!" Draco yells at me, I stare at him as I feel my face heating up with anger.

"Because I've put way too much time and effort into the last two years for me to just walk away! I love you okay! and sometimes I really don't know why but I do! So for the love of merlin PLEASE let me do this on my own terms" I yell at Draco.

"We have been back together since before we left sixth year Y/N what is taking you so long?!" Draco yells back.

"BECAUSE HE'S MY FATHER!" I scream slightly, catching the attention of the younger years who frankly look terrified at us arguing while sixth and seventh students cringe. They've seen us arguing enough but right now even Draco himself looks taken aback.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell but with me and my mother not getting along anymore... he's the only family I have. I can't lose him especially not over this" I tell Draco, completely and utterly defeated.

Draco sighs and his face softens. He nods and there is a pause before he speaks.

"You know... y/n, You're part of my family now too" Draco tells me, sheepishly smiling at his own kindness.

I smile back and look at my feet "I appreciate that sentiment"

"No I mean my parents have put up photos of us in the lounge... You're not getting away now" Draco chuckles and I chuckle too.

"That's adorable" I tell him, we walk towards the couch and sit there alone for two hours enjoying each other's company as all the other Slytherin's filter off to bed before I clock the time.


Come on, we should go" I tell him, standing up and looking around the empty common room to my utter relief.

Draco stands up and we both take our robes off and throw them onto the couch before we walk out of the common room.

I am wearing a black turtleneck and a skirt with biker boots and Draco is in that black signature suit everyone knows... and loves.

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