Chapter 15 - i learned from him (1/3)

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"Look into the camera." He man says behind the glass, "And don't smile."

I scratched by short hair, my bandages old and making my arms itch. We just got the facility yesterday, but for some reason this feels more legit than that fake place.

I looked at the camera, my wrists cutting from the handcuffs. "Walk through that door, someone will help you get new clothes." He says over the mic.

"Wheres Daryl!" I yelled, "Where have you taken him!"

The man audibly sighed in irritation, "He is in The A side. Now go." He yelled.

I huffed, walking through the door as two soldiers grabbed my cuffs, walking me into a dirty cement bathroom, throwing new clothes at me— that were an ugly shade of whitish grey. And dragged me out when I was done.

"I can walk, idiots." I say, being shoved on the back with a rubber bat. "Shut up and move. We don't have time." One said next to me, the one behind me simply kept his mouth shut.

They shove me in a dimly lit cement room, it was a large interrogation room with a black mirror. I couldn't see in but the people could see out.

"Sit down." The person says on the intercom.
I sit down, crossing my legs and purposely hunch over in an irritated manner. "Now what teach?" I yelled.

"Say your name, age, parents names, kids- if you have any-, husband or relationship status if you have one, and group." The person sighed, I hear pens click.

"Since I won't get out of here, I might as well." I sighed. "My name is Isabella Grimes, my parents don't matter, I have two kids, I have one husband, I do not have a group." I say, lying through my teeth.

The man sighed, "Elaborate on Grimes."
I cocked my head, "No."

The man clears his throat, "Are you related or involved with Grimes?"

"No." I respond.
"In what way."
I kept silent.
"Isabella, please elaborate. We don't want this to be difficult." The man sighed, "We just need the Grimes name to be elaborated on."

"I'm guessing you hope I'm somewhat involved with Rick Grimes and want information on him?" I rolled my eyes, "Well, good luck. I'm sick and tired of fighting like this and you'll regret doing this or whatever I uh usually say." I laid down on my back, not caring about anything anymore.

"Isabella. Please." The man says, "We know you are tired, but your friend talked well. We know you lied." He says.

"In what region?" I yawned.
"The part about the group." He says.
"Ah, okay so?" I laughed, "If you got your information, why ask me?"

"Because we want to know you. Speak now or we will force you." Another voice spoke over the man, "We are done with these games."

"SO AM I!" I yelled, "Glad we are on the same level Mr. President!"

The doors slammed open, two men, not wearing StormTrooper outfits sat me up. I don't care anymore, the only things I do care about is my family. "Ah, you two been 'ere long?" I ask.

"Isabella, you are "not" involved with Rick Grimes. You have two kids, are they his?" They ask.
"No." I shrug, "Whose else?"
"Not our problem. What are the kids like?" They ask.
"Strong, brave, head high. They are like-" I paused, should I say Me? Would it compromise them? "They are like me. You wouldn't want or need them." I smiled cockily at the glass.

"Do it." The man said over the microphone.
"Do what?-" I was cut off, the men smashed my face against the cement floor, smashing it. "Kind of- stings." I hissed, thrashing a little, "I told you what you wanted."

"You told us nothing." The man says, "Now you will get what you deserve."

I paused, "Probably not as bad as what I've-"

One man put his knees on my back and held my head down, the other pulled a inch thick whip from his pocket, pulling up my shirt.

I grunted, my breathing restricted, "I've been through this before! W-What can you achieve!" I yelled, "NOTHING!-"

He whips my back, causing me to groan. "See those scabs!" I yelled at the men, "I've been through this before!"

He whipped my back, it wasn't deep at all. Just scratches. It's like they didn't want to do this.

I hissed, coughing as I tried to kneel, but being forced down again and again.

"It doesn't hurt as bad as you think." I say to the man holding me down, "I'd recommend-d you stop."

The man whipping stopped, and the men behind the window pressed the talk button again. "Lock her up. Shes useful just stubborn." The man who spoke before the rude one says, "Thank you for your cooperation."

The men helped me to my feet shoving me out the door and forcing me to walk down the halls. Till we got to the one at the very end.

I see a single soldier, wearing a tattered white stormtrooper outfit for some protection against the victims in each room. But his eyes lingered on me for longer than should have before I was thrown into my cement cell. With a single hard bed and a toilet.

"Was that her?" The mans voice said, cracking with the smallest bit of hidden emotion.
"Yeah, heard she was-"

"You comfortable?" The voice cut off the men outside from my hearing over the camera. "No." I said.

"Rick was just like you." They said, "But he never broke. So we were forced to do the worse."

"He isn't here. We are not involved so Don't lie to me." I yelled, "You want me to have hope! I don't!!"

"You have kids." The voice spoke, "how can you be so hopeless?"

I felt my tears threaten to pour, I huffed harshly, trying to stop them. "I'm hopeful for them. Not for me."

"Why?" The voice asks.
"Because I was never built for this world." I growled, "Why do you think that?" It asks.

"Shut up." I growled.
"Okay." It says, "two soldiers will check on you in 3 days."
"Fun." I rolled my eyes.
"You said it." The voice chuckled, then clicked off.

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