Chapter X: Perspective.

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When I had ran in and seen that man on top of Sophie in the Saloon beating her, I was completely overcome with fear and anger, I wanted to kill that man more than I had ever wanted to kill anyone else ever.
That's when I realized why I kissed Whitey even though I knew she was going to. I needed to tell her how I felt and I couldn't wait any longer.

The look on her face when I admitted it to her  scared me to my very core, I thought she was going to reject me then and there.

When I kissed her, her lips were soft, and though she was always acting like the strongest person in the room, in that room, right then, right there, she was a lady. I finally got why Whitey always called her Princess, out of irony, and truth.

When she kissed me again as I was leaving felt like my breath was taken away from me, this was all I had wanted, and now I had it... kinda.

I had stayed up while Sophie was sleeping in recovery from the beating she took, and I was in my room drafting a letter to little sister. I hadn't seen her in years, and seeing how Sophie and Cora were so close actually made me reconsider my relationship with Antoinette... yes that's her actual name, I always called her Annie.
We had been through a lot with the death of our mother and our father's ways of "discipline". So after we had gotten out of that wretched house we parted ways and I hadn't spoken to her.
When I had finally finished I noticed the time on my pocket watch and I walked out of my room and down the dark, windowless hall to Sophie's door.
She was sleeping like a baby, it's funny, she is the toughest woman I knew and yet she slept like a little kid...So cute.
I shook her, and you can imagine my surprise when she got up and walked about in front of me, in only her nightgown, yes, a night gown is relatively modest but i couldn't offend her honor like that it would be inhumane. Although I couldn't deny how beautiful she looked.

About 23 minutes later.

I ran into the sheriff's station and yelled for Whitey to come down to the river. When he got there, obviously no one was there and I turned to him annoyed.

"Are you and Sophie dating?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say that but we're some form of together for sure."

"Us too." I said. I wanted him to know that I also had just as much of a chance as him. Maybe then I could convince myself.

"Okay?" Whitey said looking very confused as to why I was insinuating it was a competition.

Me and Whitey began walking back.

I  walked Whitey all the way back to the station. When I got there I looked around to make sure Sophie wasn't still there and then I walked out. I stood nearby the saloon waiting until Sophie turned up and I got curious as to where she was. About a minute later is when I saw it, it hurt.
Sophie was standing in the middle of the sheriff's station and suddenly Whitey grabbed her by her waist, pushed her against the wall and kissed her. A few seconds later she slid out from behind him and began to walk near the door

I took off in almost a run, trying to make it to the saloon. I felt like someone had hit me with a giant carriage, i knew I would have to somewhat compete with Whitey, what I didn't know is how Whitey was around her. That image of them two played in my head over and over again. I needed to get in the saloon before Sophie saw me, she had a lot on her plate and dealing with my emotions shouldn't be on there as well.

In the saloon she could sense something was wrong,

When she told me what the letter said, honestly it scared me, she was a direct target, I had to keep a strong face though... For her.

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