Chapter V: Back on the job.

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Me and Cora walked a few yards away from Louis.
"Listen...the deputy Mom told me to get close to, ever since I got here me and him have been flirting back and forth and yesterday we went on a date together-"
Before I could go on Cora squealed.
"You went on your first date" she grinned and hugged me.
"I know!" I smiled a big smile and then I went on.
" This afternoon he took me to lunch and I really like him! He's sweet and funny and he has the most beautiful smile and gorgeous golden hair."

"Oh my gosh, Sophie have you kissed him yet?"

"No but we danced a lot and he kissed my cheek this morning" I explained

"Okay, I see why you wanna stay here, now I want to too!!" She said

"Anyway" I went on.
"we need three pieces of information from him.
1. Why he's in La Belle
2. If he is a bounty hunter, who is he after
3. Why does he want to know so much about the Seven Sirens.
We can get this out of him it, should be easy"
I say convinced it won't take but a few minutes.

"Okay...Okay." She said

We walked back over to him.
"Louis, we have three questions and we want three answers, if you do as we ask we will let you go. Do you understand?"

"I know what they call you" he said calmly, avoiding the interrogation.

"And what's that?" I humored him

"They call you, Amira Luna, which means: Princess of the Moon, I never understood that name...In the east they call you Calypso, which means: She who hides, Because when you were young you had expert knife skills and no one knew who was throwing them so accurately" he said

"Interesting...except that's not me."

"Are we seriously gonna keep playing this game?" He said in an annoyed tone.

"The first question, why are you here?" I began interrogating him, calmly because I was thoroughly convinced it would not be difficult to get information out of him.

"That's easy, I'm a bounty hunter in search of the Seven Siren's leader." He stated with ease

"Why?" I asked

"She has been known for using "gruesome" ways, and the government wants her taken care of"

"By what means?" Cora asked

"Alive or dead" he said locking eyes with me.

"And why are you, a young boy, looking for her? Surely you don't think you can catch her" I added

"Maybe not, but at least I can provide useful information to the people who need it" he said confidently.

"Who needs the information?" I asked.

"Your sheriff"

"What?" I said very surprised.

"He pays me to find information on her, so he can catch her and take the bounty, it isn't really a big secret I'm surprised you didn't figure it out earlier."

Cora turned to me
"Is that why?"  Cora asked. I knew what she wanted to say but was didn't want Louis to hear: "is that why she (my mom) thinks this man is so important?"

"So, let's say you found The Seven Sirens, what exactly would you do?" I asked Interrogatively.

"I would tell all of the information I knew to the sheriff, and go about my day."

"Because he pays you the most?" I asked

"Yes" he answered plainly

"But you have no problem outing him?" I asked

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