Help Wanted

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I don’t know what happened. First, I was giving my father’s orders to General Carder, then I’m looking at a wall of bricks. I felt my hand gripping at nothing but air. I still felt the heaviness of my jacket, but my sword was no where to be found. I had trouble thinking and I felt an emptiness that I was so used to having my Azoth fill. I tried to, but no matter how hard I focused, I could not channel my Azoth to my full potential. I barely felt it at all. Looking around I saw a metal gate with many lights at the end of it.

Tensing my muscles I slowly walked to the gate. I wasn’t quite sure how to describe what I saw. I could only think that it was a large town, but none that I had ever seen before. There were large buildings- larger than any cathedral ever built in Praecantero-, and fast moving things that were almost like carriages, but without any horses. They had people inside of them and people walking around the city in all different ways. These people were nothing like I had seen before. They were indeed like my people, but they lacked Azoth completely. I opened the gate with a slow creek.

People were moving around me and even into me, as if they had no idea who I was. I didn’t know what to do. But then I heard my name being called.

“Iuvenis Maleficus! Iuvenis Maleficus Magnolia!” I recognized the voice to be my most trusted General. So I called back to him among the people.

“Ductour Carder! Venerunter ade mae!” After a little while, we had found each other and shared our stories.

“Iuvenis Maleficus, nous dimisimus munduum.”

“Ete ego novii.” I thought to all of my teachings of lore and ultimately came to a conclusion. “Nos sunnut et in Terra.”

“Terra? Undeer enimm scise?”

“Quidem! Dimmitte me, adiuvaui nos.” Despite my lack of Azoth in this world, I channelled what I had to perform a spell to help us. I knew that each world had their own language, and for the time being, we should know the one of this world. “Permitte mihi loqui cesses!” With the words of my spell spoken, the jargon of those around me formed into words. The Azoth however, had drained a substantial about of my energy and I felt light headed. Nearly losing my balance, General Carder leveled me.

“Are you alright, Young Lord?”

“Yes, just fine, General. But we must get our bearings in this world. I still hold some of my Azoth, but most of it has been drained. This world and its people seem to lack it. We must find a place to hold up and recuperate.”

“Of course, Young Lord.”

As a nobel in my world, I had knowledge even more than the most trusted generals and nobles that served our family. I started to tell him the knowledge I held of this world.

“This world is called Earth. It is inhabited by humans, like us, but they do not wield Azoth as we do. Their world is home to many languages, but English, as we are speaking now, is the most prominent.

As I said before, this world does not seem to have developed the use or even acknowledged the existence of Azoth. This is why my Azoth is so low and why we both feel differently than our normal selves.

Also, we will need another place to make our dwelling. We will not be able to obtain the same luxuries we before in Praecantero. No, we will have to make do with a small dwelling.

Another thing of note, this world does not know status by their Azoth, that does not exist here. Their form of status is portrayed by how much currency they have. So we will need to obtain that as well.” We walked to a building called a bank and then to a counter in the bank. I spoke to the woman behind it.

“Audite sermones meos!” With my spell, her eyes dulled. “I would like to open an account and to obtain some currency.”

“Of course.” Within a few minutes, the woman handed me a small stack of green paper things that were the currency and a card. “Thank you, come again.” After that, we went into another building, one that was much larger.

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