13 - Conversations and Cocoa

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Isabelle's P.O.V.:

Leo woke up and everyone felt relieved.

Alec and Jace felt responsible though. They both wouldn't want to admit it since they never talk about feelings, but everyone knew. Even though Leo's life was at stake, he brought us all together. We changed shifts on having a look at him, because Alec wouldn't leave his side.

Alec is very stubborn and eager. He has that older brother complex and feels responsible for everything. If something doesn't go they way it's planned, he feels guilty. Alec was very absent before Leo came. I personally never was mad at him or confronted him. He was his own problems to care about. Alec had just come out to the four of us and Leo figured out immediately. He spent most of the nights at Magnus' place. Always managed to sneak out. I kind of missed him. Alec always cared about me and in the end he was still my brother. To be honest I tried to open up to him a couple of times since he frequently went to visit Magnus, but it was always the same. He had that distant and neutral look in his eyes and I almost thought he wasn't listening. Was it because he was getting older? Does everyone go through something like this? I really don't want to know.

After Leo had recovered he decided to pay me a visit.

"What a pleasant surprise", I said sarcastically smiling seeing him entering my room.

"Sorry for the mess by the way", I then pointed at all the dresses and outfits laying all over my room's floor.

"Don't worry", Leo said hesitantly.

"What's up?".

"Not much I guess", came back questioning.

"How are your injuries? Did you take the meds like I told you to?", I asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Alec never listens to me and since we all have almost the same blood I wondered if it was a common trait in our family. Our stubbornness, I mean", I added after Leo had nodded.

"Straight forward, aren't you? Anyway, that's what I wanted to talk about".

"The stubbornness running in our family?", I asked rhetorically.

Leo gave me an annoyed look so I just smiled and gestured with my hand as in "go on".

"Alec. I woke up next to him with him holding my hand. Did he visit often?", Leo got all red and paused after every word carefully.

He clearly was embarrassed.

"He actually fell asleep next to you sometimes. He checked on you pretty often. Alec would be a great brother if you just gave him a chance", I replied tidying up my room.

"Like he was to you?", he asked and now Leo was cocking an eyebrow. After I then gave him the annoyed look, he smiled and we both bursted out laughing. Leo's laugh was cute. When he smiled his eyes wrinkled up and wrinkles all down his cheeks showed.

"But seriously, you should really talk to him. Since you reappeared, feelings he once had buried deep down, came up. He lives with anguish and a burden on his shoulders since he has kind of rejected you. And besides you don't have to make up right now. Alec is good at giving advice most of the time. Even when it comes to love", I replied and winked at him.

Leo got even redder. Alec had told us about a Nicky Leo kept mentioning while unconscious.

"Aaaaaaand that's it. Bye, Izzy", he said annoyed and eventually left. It was the first time he called me Izzy. I couldn't hold back the smile anymore. Leo wasn't that bitchy after all or at least not as bitchy as I had imagined him to be.

Leo's P.O.V.:

I walked out of Isabelle's room fully smiling.

"What are you so happy about, Lightwood?", Jace asked walking into me in the hallway.

"Nothing, d!ckhead", I replied with an attitude.

"Ouch", Jace yelled from far away.

I smiled even brighter.

Alec was in the library putting down one of these old phones. His facial expression neutral and concentrated, but as soon as he saw me he softened. Seemed like he had a tense conversation.

"Oh, hello, Leo. I wanted to bump into you anyway, so what's the matter?If you need bandages, they are in the first drawer in the nurse's office. Or do you need something for your headache?", Alec asked.

"Hm, no. I actually wanted to talk?", I replied nervously.

"Oh, sure, what's up?".

"I mean, "TALK" talk", I added even more insecurely.

"Oh. Got it. Want me to make you some tea?".

After we decided on hot cocoa (because I love hot cocoa) and Alec came back with two almost boiling mugs we both sat down at some kind of glass coffee table.

"Okay, before you say anything. I just wanted to tell you that I'm about what happened one year ago. I wasn't sure if it was safe to let you in. You had just told me people were after you and I hesitated. I probably seemed like a total jerk. I don't want you to accept my apology, I just want you to understand in what position you got me. You caught me off guard and I really didn't know what to do", Alec said toying around with some hat, stared at it the whole time and avoided my eyes. The hat was a mix between a fedora and an old Italian hat from the late 40's.

"Oh, no worries. We're fine. I never really hated you honestly. It's just really funny to mess around with you. Sorry, 'bout that", I said biting my lip and staring at my reflection in the hot cocoa.

"Who does this hat belong to, Alec?", I said smirking.

"T-the hat is mine, what do you mean?", Alec replied, got red, tightened his grip on his mug and played around with his hair nervously.

"Oh, come on. Up until know you should've figured out that I'm good at reading people, so don't lie".

"It belongs to an acquaintance of mine", he replied and I cracked up.

He bit his lip to hide his smile.

"I didn't know about this side of yours, Alec", I said sarcastically sitting up on my chair.

"And by the way. His name is Nicolás Baudelaire.

W-we went to school together. But his parents sent him off back to France and I really miss him to be honest", I then added after clearing my throat.

"About him", Alec began pausing pretty long before continuing, "I talked to mom and apparently, h-he, he managed to escape and the authorities and his family presumes he's c-coming here to New York. They already sent someone after him".

"I guess you'll meet him after all".

Authors' note:

helloooooooo here is another chapter hehe.

hope you like it ;)

stay tuned for the next chapter :D

stay healthy and don't forget to vote and follow (as long as you want haha).

bye <3

Inbetween Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora