10 - Back at the institute

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Leo's P.O.V.:

"Come again?!", Isabelle yelled.
Jace smirked and Clary had no facial expression.
Alec got even redder.
"Oh, it's not your fault, Isabelle", I said.
"I got the news yesterday morning, don't give me THAT look Izzy", Alec said with a shaking voice.
"Ye-yesterday?! Someone told you that we apparently have a step-brother and you haven't told me? I-I, Alec?!", Isabelle yelled furiously.
"You have to understand, I- it would've i-if", Alec whispered.
"If what?!"
"Oh, hasn't he told? Well, I already paid a visit last year, you know. Aaaaaaand your-our brother rather than letting me in and letting me stay he left me on the streets, because apparently you don't take in strayers. But that's old news, there's no need for us to face the past, am I right?", I said and gave Alec the questioning look.
"W-what?", everyone except for me and Alec screamed and turned around to face Alec.
"Oh it's not his fault. He just didn't know I was his step-brother back then, did you Alec?", I said, put my chin on my face palm and smirked.
"YOU DID?!", Isabelle yelled angrily.
"I didn't, I swear!", he replied and put his hands up innocently.
"I'm just messing with you, brother dear. Are you hungry, because I'm starving", I said smiling.

For the next days we just ignored each other. Every once and then Clary or Alec asked me to join them for dinner, but I politely declined and when I was in a good mood I messed around with Alec.
Most of the day I trained by myself or killed time in the greenhouse. Up until Jace wanted to fight me.
"C'mon just this once", he begged me and gave me the dog face.
"Fine, if I win you'll have to buy me fast food for a whole week", I said and he agreed.

I took my daggers and off we went.
Jace had put his blond locks in a ponytail and put a tank top on. Was he trying to impress me or just scare me away?
But as Robert always used to say: a Lightwood never lets their guard down.
He took out an angelic knife and polished it.
"You know what they say, Jace?"
"What, Lightwood?"
"That a shadowhunter's biggest flaw is their ego and until I met you I didn't know what they meant", I replied.
"Ouch, Lightwood. Low blow, low blow", he replied.
"Let's just get it over with, Jace".
His hits were fast and swift, but I dodged every single one of them. When Jace fought his eyes were shining and moved like feline. He lived for the challenge.
His knife shone brightly.
"You are fast", he said huffing.
"No, you are just slow", I replied.
We were attacking and parrying.
"Let's leave weapons out, man to man. What do you think?"
"What I think? That you can't handle it", I replied dryly and smirked.
We put our weapons away and went back to fist-fighting. I tried not to hurt him and just dodged his attacks.
"What's up with you? Are you such an arrogant brat that you don't give your all or what?", he said and smirked.
"That hurts me", he added.
He stopped for a second and then went for my torso.
I took his wrist with my right hand, held his arm tight in my armpit and hit his biceps with my elbow so he couldn't move his arm anymore.
I then jumped at him and hung with my legs on his neck. I let my upper body down, made Jace lose balance, pulled my self up, turned around and right after Jace laid on his stomach with me on his back.
Taking his arm, pulling it behind his back and put my knee on his wrist.
"Lil' Lightwood, pulled out his fangs", he said laughing.
"You should get your arm checked. It's out of use until you let someone take a look. Maybe that goodie two shoes, what's her name again? A yeah, Clary", I replied getting of him.
"Hey, harsh".
"Don't take it personal. I like her, not that anyone here gives a crap about me, but she seems verrrry nice and I can tell what's going on between you two", I responded.
"It's complicated, long story. Very boring and confusing. Don't ask", Jace muttered getting up.
"Well, I guess I'll see you later. You owe me food", I then said happily and left taking my weapons with me.

The next morning I sat in the kitchen and couldn't avoid social contact with the others.
I was making coffee when the whole pack arrived. They already went out and bought breakfast. They were laughing and walked into the kitchen. They all just sat down at a table and there was an awkward silence. Probably because of me, to be honest.
"Ok, I can't stand this cold silence anymore, so I wanted something pointed out. I-We know how you must feel and we would prefer you not avoiding us okay? It's a hard time for us too, you know?", Alec said totally embarrassed.
"Woah-woah. YOU, know how I must feel?", I asked.
"Yeah, WE know how you might be feeling right now and we're here for you", he repeated.
"Oh with we you mean, you who you are so helplessly in love with Jace that you completely left your sister  on her own and have problems with accepting your own sexuality? Or Isabelle who is so insecure and has the worst mommy issues I've ever met,mine included, and always acts tough when the only thing she wants is her brother to be there for her? Maybe you mean Jace who has a huge saviour complex and feels the urge to save people, when he himself is the most lost of us all. What about Clary? Who clearly has a massive God complex and falls in love with arrogant brats faster than I gross out when just taking with you all? Oh yeah now I understand. Don't take it personal, but I can read y'all like books.
It didn't take me a day to realise that you probably have more problems than I have, which is a lot. And if you DO understand how I'm feeling, you should know that forcing lectures about feelings on me doesn't help at all. And with "we are here for you" you probably mean how you were there for me one year ago? Yeah, you're absolutely right. I'm sorry for being realistic, wake up, Alec", I said without even taking a break to take a deep breath.
"Ouch", Clary whispered.
I left and heard how Jace told the others how much he loved my attitude. Someone, probably Alec, kicked him. "Hey?! What was that for? What he said is accurate as hell", he added apologetically.
"Yeah, you must love him since you are both one and the same person with that attitude of yours", Clary replied replied.

What a great start, am I right?

Authors' note:
hello luvs <3
another day, another chapter :D
how ya doin? i hope y'all are healthy and doing just fine.
School begins tomorrow again and oof I don't want tooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Well, until the next time ;)

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