2 - How it all started

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Leo's P.O.V.:
Someone once said: "if you wanna tell a story right, you've gotta start from the very beginning".
THE very beginning happened way before my birth.

It all started when a bunch of people decided to found a group, because of banale reasons. They felt like the Shadowhunters/Nephilim were dying and wanted to use the Mortal Cup, one of the three Mortal Instruments (a cup, a sword and a mirror), to make more Shadowhunters. Basically this cup turns humans or how Nephilim like to call them: mundanes; into shadowhunters. And so gives them the ability to use runes and see what no other human can.

The initial group was founded by Valentine Morgenstern, Hodge Starweather, Maryse Trueblood, later on married to Robert Lightwood and my real mom, Lucian Graymark and later Jocelyn Garroway joined the group.

In the beginning they only made a fuss out of it and tried to convince more and more people to join until Valentine's father got killed by a werewolf. From then on Valentine had a huge hatred to the downworlders. He and his group became more and more violent and hunted the downworlders.

Jocelyn, who only had joined for Valentine's sake and for her love towards him, got hurt due to Valentine's anger attacks, but she already had a child with him. For the safety of the whole world Jocelyn and Lucian, who was sent into a trap by Valentine and became a werewolf, reported to the Clave that Valentine was about to take the cup and spread a bloodshed at the day of the contracts. This is the holiest day of all Idris. The leaders of all the downworlders come to Idris to sign a peace contract between the Nephilim and the downworlders.

Long story short, Valentine got away and faked his sons and his own death, the circle got lost, many lives were wasted both downworlders and shadowhunters and Jocelyn ran away and got her second child. Clary Morgenstern/Garroway/Fairchild. It's hard to explain. During this whole time Maryse Trueblood and Micheal Wayland had an affair. Because of that affair, I was born on 07/22/1992 in Rome, Italy.

At birth I was given to a random couple. My real mom couldn't afford to raise a child, which was the result of a forbidden affair, could she? The couple thought of me as their child and loved me like one of theirs. Sophia, my "mom", couldn't have children and loved me even more because of that. She and her husband Marco didn't know the truth about me and really thought I was their child up until the Idris' government sent them a letter. They were shocked of course, but nothing changed. Sophia and Marco decided not to tell me.

I had almost no friends. People thought of me as a freak. I had the sight as a birthright. I saw things no one else saw and people are afraid of the unknown. The only one who believed me was Sophia. Marco acted like he did but he could care less about what a toddler sees. My parents fought about sending me to kindergarten. Marco finally gave in and I was "homeschooled" in Italian and English. My birthdays weren't that special either. It was only the three of us and I was super okay with that. Sophia's and Marco's family never paid a visit. Perhaps they distanced themselves because of me.

At my fifth birthday the bell rang. I immediately stopped whatever I was doing and ran towards the door. There were three men in black suites just like the FBI and with them a woman. She wore expensive clothes and had a huge diamond ring on her ring finger. Her hair was black and wavy. I was amazed of her beauty. She smiled at me but still had a hurt and concerned look.
"Where's your momma?", the woman asked in perfect Italian but with an English accent.

I'm not gonna lie, but I was kind of disappointed.
My mom appeared from the kitchen with flour all over her face and body. Her smile was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. But when she noticed the people standing in the entrance her smile vanished. I ran towards her and pulled at her apron.

She told me to go to my room with a sad tone. I eavesdropped their conversation even though my mom told me not to. Still, I couldn't hear much.
"It's for his best...has to come with us to Idris...he has to be thought to be a...", said a man's voice.
"My child has to learn about the other world...he has gone through so much...he needs to know", the black haired woman replied.
"NO! YOU CANT TAKE MY CHILD FROM ME. I WON'T ALLOW IT", my mom screamed and I heard her sobbing. I heard what she said clearly and ran upstairs. I sit on my bed's edge for almost an hour until one of the FBI guys came into my room.

He knelt down before me and looked me in the eyes. He smiled so happily. Or maybe he was doing it just for me. I was confused and afraid.
"Is my momma okay?", I asked.
"Of course. Why shouldn't she?".
I looked at my feet and didn't say anything.
"You need to come with us to a new home, Leo. Everything is going to be just fine. Trust me. I'll help you pack your things", he said and I felt my throat closing just like every time I'm about to cry. My eyes were burning and filling up with tears.
The man kneeling in front of me held my chin carefully and swept away my tears. His smile was shaking like he was about to cry with me.
"Don't cry. Don't cry. Everything is going to be okay. There's no need for you to cry. Come, let's take your teddy bear and your toys and let's go", he said and his voice was shaking just like his lips. He took my hand and together with a small bag full of stuff we went downstair.

Sophia's eyes were read and swollen.
"M-momma?", I said calmly.
She teared up again and out of instinct I ran towards her and hugged her very tight.
She knelt down next to me and forced a smile on herself.
"You have to go with the nice lady, ok? Be a good boy", she said and kissed my front like she always used to do when I was sad.
"But momma"
"I'm not your momma! Now take your toys and go with them", she said almost angrily. I felt bad. Had I done something wrong?
I wanted to hug her one last time but she took a step back. My heart sunk into my stomach and I was almost suffocating.
The black haired woman held her hand towards me and I took it. My hand shaking. I turned around and little did I know that this was going to be the last time I was going to see my mom's blond hair, greenish eyes and her warm smile. Behind me the door closed and one piece of me died there.

Authors' Note:
Hello it's me, Leo.
I know, I know. This chapter is a bit clumsy, but trust the process. We have awesome ideas for the chapter 4,5 and can't wait to tell you. I'm probably way more excited than you are haha.
Don't forget to follow us or vote, whenever you want.
Stay healthy and happy and until the next time <3
P.S.: Feel free to give us give us feedback in the comments. We appreciate this a lot!!!

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