Chapter 2 : Winter is Here

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When Tyrion entered the pit, everyone turned their heads towards him, looking at him with hope.

But when they saw the look on his face, they had no trouble guessing what the queen's answer had been.

It was Jon who broke the silence:

"Well ?''

Tyrion shook his head:

"She wouldn't listen.''

It wasn't entirely true. But the true nature of the discussion he had with Cersei was about no one else but the two of them, and eventually Jaime. The others present didn't need to know.

However, before he could reopen his mouth to say that it didn't matter, that they were going to make do with, or rather without, Sansa in turn entered the huge, ruined arena.

And she was followed by Cersei. And there were not one, but two lions accompanying them.

Tyrion opened his eyes, but did not allow himself to hope too quickly.

As soon as he had told him that she was pregnant, he had hoped again that Cersei would accept, for the life of her unborn baby, the fruit of her love with Jaime, proof that a little beauty could still exist in this world of atrocities.

He had hoped, even though deep down he knew that this baby, this little lion cub, would be the very reason why Cersei wouldn't give an inch.

Maybe Cersei was just coming to tell them that they were now mortal enemies, as if there was a need to make it clear.

Maybe Cersei was...

But Cersei's voice, clear and strong, pulled him out of the course of his thoughts.

He noticed that Jaime was not with her.

There was only her, Qyburn, her Hand, and the Mountain.

''My armies will stay where they are. I will not bring them back to the capital.''

Most of the people lowered their heads in resignation, as if the coming of the queen herself had been a good omen.

''They will march north to fight in the Great War with you.''

Everyone raised their heads, Tyrion first, his eyes shining with hope, looking alternately at Cersei and Sansa, who still stood beside her.

Tyrion noted the dark look Daenerys gave to the young Stark, who was still standing proudly beside the one who would always be her enemy.

''Darkness is coming to cover us all. Let us face it together.''

Sansa chooses this moment to move, and comes to move back to Jon, one of the two lions following her faithfully. Tyrion exchanged a glance with Stelsa, sitting next to him, and realized that it must be her dæmon. Daenerys took his eyes off her and began to stare at Cersei.

Cersei looked at Sansa. By mutual agreement, they had decided not to publicly disclose the terms and conditions of their covenant. The fewer people who knew, the better the secret would be kept. In any case, it was better that Daenerys didn't know, since she would have immediately considered it an act of high treason, since the North was supposed to be hers, since Jon had submitted it to her.

''Once the Great War is over, may you not forget that I helped you, without any promise or assurance from anyone.''

She straightened up slightly.

''I expect nothing.''

Cersei had a head carriage and a proud, haughty, majestic appearance, and a cripple buried deep within Daenerys' being could not help but admire her.

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