part 4

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sakusa, atsumu and meizan were the last three in the gym.

'hey i'll finish up here, you guys go and back to your dorm. you did good today.' sakusa nodded his thanks and headed out, followed by atsumu. they walked down the hall of the school in silence when suddenly, the two were shoved into the janitor closet and the door slammed shut behind them.

'what the-' atsumu rammed against the door but it wouldn't budge. on the other side, bokuto and hinata were snickering as bokuto leaned against the door.

sakusa groaned. 'i hate it in here. its probably so unsanitary.'

atsumu stopped hitting against the door, rubbing his shoulder.

'sorry i'll move back a bit.' he tried to take a step back in the cramped little closet but hit the wall.

'theres no point, theres no room.' sakusa was trying his best not to touch anything. his eyes went wide as he spotted something on atsumu's shoulder.


'what is it omi-omi?'

'what's on your shoulder.' atsumu slowly turned his head and whimpered.

'cockroach.' he whispered. sakusa lost it. him and atsumu both started screaming, dancing around the small space in an attempt to avoid the bug.

'KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!' atsumu yelped, frantically trying to get it off. sakusa dug through his bag. 'WAIT WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?'




'NOBODY HAS THAT GOOD ENOUGH AIM- WOAH!' the door swung open and the two fell out, the cockroach scuttling away. sakusa's eyes were wide with horror.

'i'm going to take a shower. a long shower. if i'm not out of the bathroom in 10 hours, i probably died.' sakusa practically sprinted away, leaving a terrified atsumu on the floor.

'why does he have a gun?!'

the next two weeks were just as similar, weird incidents that left atsumu and sakusa alone.

there was a "bug" infestation in the hallway. hinata and bokuto got "sick". meizan "accidently" locked them in changing rooms and lost the key. sakusa knew what they were up too. he was putting an end to this.

the group was on a talk show.

'now, theres been a lot of talk of first kisses lately. who were all of your first kisses?' they all answered until it was just sakusa and atsumu left.

'would you be willing to share?' she asked gently and sakusa sighed. what the hell. he pointed at atsumu. it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. someone coughed.

'WHAT? SO IT WASN'T A DREAM?!' atsumu exploded, staring in bewilderment at the boy next to him.

'i cleaned up the gym. how would that work?'

'no no listen! i remember practicing my serve in the middle of the night and then you came in and we practiced together.' everyone was leaning towards them, listening.

'and then i kissed you and fell asleep and when i woke up you weren't there so i called samu and he was like it sounds like you were just dreaming, so i started doubting myself! then you acted like nothing ever happened so i thought i dreamed it! i never thought about who cleaned, I'm not that smart!!'

'so you mean you actually liked me?'

'yeah! i still do! stupid osamu made me think it was a dream...' atsumu's eyes suddenly lit up and he turned back to the host, grinning.

'you never asked me who my first kiss was!' he sung, bouncing in his seat she raised an eyebrow.

'who was it?' she asked curiously.

'suna rintarou.' atsumu declared. the teams jaws dropped.

'as in the middle blocker from your highschool?' she questioned. atsumu nodded.

'yeah. hes engaged to my twin brother now. we kissed back in first year. they got together third year.'

~ at that moment somewhere else ~

suna's face went bright red as atsumu said his name. osamu choked on his drink.


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