part 3

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the bar was mostly empty, much to sakusa's delight. after everyone had settled in, atsumu began to tell the story of how he scared off the reporter, bokuto and hinata hanging onto his every word. after an hour of chatting, he excused himself to go to the bathroom. the door closed and hinata and bokuto leaned conspiritorally over the table.

hinata cupped his face in his hands, not so subtly showing off the engagement ring from kageyama.

'soooo... who was it?' hinata asked excitedly.

'who was what?'

'you're first kiss, bro!' bokuto's gold eyes were wide with curiousity.

'yeah man, we all wanna know.' barnes chimed in.

'we won't tell anyone, we swear.' even meian was intruiged.

'pleeeeease?' hinata begged. sakusa finally sighed.

'alright alright.' he mumbled. the bathroom door swung open and atsumu stepped out. sakusa lazily jutted his head towards him. everyones jaws dropped.

'what? is there something on my face? something wrong with my hair? why does everyone looked so shocked?' atsumu questioned.

bokuto looked about ready to explode. 'you-' akaashi was at bokuto's side in an instant and clapped a hand over his mouth.

'yeah man your hair isn't as uh... fluffy as usual.' thomas suggested. atsumu gasped and darted back into the bathroom. the whole team and akaashi crowded around the table.

'you kissed atsumu?' inunaki hissed, eyes wide.

sakusa rubbed his eyes. 'yeah. he kissed me actually. back at the japan training camp. i've never mentioned it to him nor him to me. so i figure he forgot about it.' he shrugged nonchalantly.

hinata and bokuto shared a look. their dorm was across from sakusa and atsumu's. and more than once, atsumu had trudged in and flopped dramatically on any surface, crying about how hot sakusa was or how much he wanted to hold sakusa's hand or how badly he wanted to kiss sakusa.

even meian, barnes, inunaki and thomas knew about atsumu's giant crush on sakusa. hell, almost everyone knew about it. except sakusa it seemed.

'anyways it doesn't matter.' sakusa shrugged again, taking another sip of his drink.

'man you have to go to talk to him about it!' bokuto exclaimed, still talking quietly, fearing that akaashi would be upset with him.

'he doesn't have to if he doesn't want too.' akaashi suggested gently. his face said otherwise.

'no. i don't want to make things uncomfortable between me and him. i should go check on him though, he's been fixing his hair for far too long. he's probably fallen in a toilet.' sakusa tsked and stood, walking into the washroom.

the group huddled together.

'you know what this means right? meian whispered. bokuto looked at him excitedly.

'we're going to a water park?'

hinata gasped. 'we are?!'

akaashi groaned. 'dear god. where did you two even get that idea?'

'no.' meian glared at them. the two boys frowned. 'maybe eventually.' they perked back up.

'what he means is, we can get them together!' barnes explained. bokuto and hinata both gasped.


'let's make it even better! whoever gets them together in the end gets 43,700 yen!' inunaki suggested.

'i like it!' thomas chirped, followed by barnes. meian reluctantly agreed. hinata's eyes were sparkling.

'i could use that money for my wedding!'

'hinata, weddings usually cost more than 43,700 yen.' akaashi reminded him. hinata shrugged, joining in.

'hey hey hey, let's do it!' bokuto cheered.

'alright here's how it'll work. the main goal is for them to talk about it. try not to let sakusa or tsumu catch on. nobody can know about this, we promised him we wouldn't tell. most importantly, we can't let this get in the way of practice. alright?' meizan laid out the rules and the boys quickly agreed, chattering excitedly.

akaashi gave a small smile at their antics. while he didn't approve of their whole plan, he was curious to see how it would pan out.

he did feel bad for atsumu and sakusa though. he had no idea what the team was planning but it would probably be something ridiculous.

a/n 43,00 yen is about $500 CAD and about $400 USD, i'm canadian and terrible with math so i searched it up, please correct me if i'm wrong, $500 seemed kind of reasonable to me but like, it might not be

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