Chapter 11

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*Bryans POV*

As i wake up i get blinded by this bright light, i sit up with my hands before my eyes to shield off the light, as i get slowly used to it i could see things moving around infront of me, it looks like a person with tails- maybe inpu? I stand up and walk towards the person, they turned around and grabbed my shoulders, i jumped a little but then got pulled along with the person, i have no idea where i was my eyes just wouldnt focus because of the light around me- we enter a room because i hit my head on the door- i hear voices wisper and just talking, the person that was dragging me stopped and let go of my arm, i squeeze my eyes to try and see whats going on- i heard a person infront of me so i took a step back and listened to my serroundings with my ears, someone dared to set foot in my aura so i yeeted them away with my tails, i hear commotion around me and then someone starts laughing, i still question how we even ended up here by just helping a injured wolf- i hear a lot of foot steps around me and i start to swing my tails around, i listened with my ears to pin point the correct location of each person before striking, i stopped as soon as i didnt hear any foot steps anymore, i hear people clapping and shouting, then the light dissapeared and i could finally see what was actually going on-

Their were people like me- kitsunes? But they had only 6 7 or 8 tails not 9- i hear a males voice infront of me so i turn around at decided to stare at them- they laughed and got closer together with a female, they both did have 9 tails for a difference- but they were the only ones with 9- their was a little kid hiding behind the females leg- as they got closer and closer i backed up and hissed at them, i have no idea who these people are so i cant underestemate them- they started talking a weird language i never heard before, they got closer once again, i tried to back up again but my legs got sort of frozen on the floor? I couldnt move them! The struggled to free my legs from the ground while the strange kitsunes were still walking towards me, i hear a growl coming from behind me, i turn my head a bit to see who it was- INPU! he ran to me and picked me up- he hissed at the people and jumped up onto a platform, he sat me down and just stared at the people underneath us, he hugged me and didnt wanna let go TwT, he asked if i was oke so i nodded, i guess he came just on time- wait- if inpu is here then wheres bri?-

*meanwhile with bri*

*hiss* stop touching meeeeee, let me go! Nghhhhh- people around me just stared at me and touched my wings, if ur wondering how i got here- I HAVE NO IDEA! I just woke up upside down tied to the ceilling and they tied up my hands, legs and wings so trying to fly out aint a option, these people are crazy- where are inpu and bryan when u need them- i struggled trying to get out of the rope- adventually it only got me more tired- i stopped and just stared at the people- being upside down sucks- i say to them, they laugh and just start touching my wings again, not minutes later i hear a pretty loud growl coming from my right- the people seemed to get spooked by it since they ran away, this is my chance i though- i swing my body repeatingly till my hands can touch the wall, i could grab on to the wall with one of my hands, luckly they didnt tie my arms to my body-

I see a lose piece of woods a few inches away from where im at with my hands, i tried getting to it and to my favor it actually worked- after a few minutes of trying to cut the rope i succeed, my hands were free, JOGA CLASSES DO NOT FAIL ME- i swing my arms up to my legs and try to untie them- i didnt think that through- i shouldve untied my wings first- i fell to the ground and almost broke my wings by doing so-i stand up all dizzy cus of the blood in my head- jesus- i sat down for a second and started to untie my wings, they dont hurt as much as i imagined,i slowly and steady stoof up and walked over to the place i heard the growl earlier, as i walk in im serrounded by more of these people- i hear my name being called from above i look up to see inpu and bryan just sitting there- i flew up before they could catch me, i sat down next to my brother and pet his head, mind explain whats going on? I asked them, they shook their heads, we have no idea either inpu said, but i know that i was tied up to a pole a few houses that way, oh cool i got hung upside down to the ceilling with hands legs and wings tied :3, i said to them- they chuckled about it i felt very offended by that- i just woke up here in the middle of the room- bryan said, we stared at him and inpu and i shouted LUCKY, we were just talking untill we heard a males voice say silence we stopped talking and looked down, the male with 9 tails stood underneath us together with a women and child- we stared back at them and remained silent....


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