Chapter 6 ½

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(Sorry if this is very late i was very busy)
(Btw the ghost part wasn't in the script-)

*bryans POV*

I'm making food inpu is reading books, this day is going good so far, later we are going to look for my parents- but i dont know if i even wanna meet them- i mean why would even abandon me?- because i wasn't good enough?...
Or i couldn't be a use to them..?-
I have so many questions....
The only reason to go is to get answers i guess- "dear are you alright?"
I turn around to see inpu with a book in his hand, i nod and continue with the food... "hey i know its stressful- but we will get through this together"
I nod and grab a knife to slice the tomato, i feel 2 hands grabbing me and pulling me into a hug, "dont worry about it too much dear" as he said that i couldn't hold my tears back, so i layed down the knife turned around and started crying in inpu's chest... "sshhhh its alright" he sat down on the ground and pulled me on to him, i just sat there crying like a baby..... i never felt like this before.. "hey its fine I'm here" i looked up and he nodded, i gave a quick smile and he wiped my tears, "you're too pretty to cry dear" i laughed about it and he petted my ears, which felt amazing- now i know why inpu likes it so much when i pet him-

I. So you ready for

B. Yeah i guess

Br. Adorable

I+b. *Yelp*

Br. 🥺

B. *blush and hides
Their face in inpu's chest*

I. *smiles*

Br. When am i becoming
An aunt?

I. Hhhhhhhhhh

B. BRI!!

Br. What?! I wanna be
An aunt!

I. ANYWAYS bri you are
Very early-

Br. No I'm not-

B. Inpu their perfectly
On time-

I. How did the time
Go so flipping fast-


B. =_=

Br. Btw do you have
Snow boots by any

B. I do why?

Br. Well-



I. What's is this for

Br.b. OwO


B. How do you not
Know what snow is

I. Egyption-

B. Right-

Br. So do you have
Snow boots?

(Heya guys i decided to publish this for you guys this is how far i got for now- im busy with school and other stuff so dont really have time to write- i dont wanna fail my classes but i will make a come back soon like i have a vacation next week so will probably write a chapter but yeah- most of you guys can probably relate to this- also i will try not to discontinue this story like my fnaf one WHICH i actually decided to pick up again after this story- so stay tuned!! Font forget to follow me for updates on the story!-)

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